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Hello everyone! Im Marti!

I just moved outside London after four years since i moved there from Italy and i have finally been able to see the night sky again! So i decided to get back to my passion for astronomy and i bought myself a Skywatcher 200P with EQ5 which arrived today!!! Finger crossed those annoying clouds go away tonight! 

I always loved to take pictures of the sky even if just pointing my small camera inside the telescope. With the time i have been able to save for a Canon 500D so I really hope in few months i will get good enough to start taking some pictures and share them with you all (: 

I look forward to make the most out if this forum which has already been so helpful in finding the right equipment for my needs. But I have so many more questions..! (:

Thank you everyone for the extremely useful posts you write and sorry for my English grammar (its getting there slowly)!


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Hi Marti, welcome to the SGL.  I also have the SW 200p and EQ5, although I've recently got an NEQ6 which I'm hoping to use for the first time later tonight!  I recommend using a dew shield for the 200p.  I made mine from a rolled up camping mat.


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Hi Marti and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on getting the 200P, a great scope and one that will keep you busy when the clouds have finally cleared. Imaging will certainly provide you with some challenges but it will also provide you with many rewards if you're patient and do the necessary research. One book that will certainly help you move forward in that direction is Steve Richards' "Making Every Photon Count" which is a comprehensive guide that will provide you with all the basics to enable you to obtain good consistent images. Collecting the 'data' that will enable you to construct a final image is one thing, processing that information to produce a final image is whole different ball game, but thankfully there are some free pieces of software available on the internet that can help you pull it all together.  This forum does contain within its midst some very good imagers so you will be in very good company should you need any assistance.

Clear skies and hope you enjoy your stay here.

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Hi Marti and welcome to SGL, you will be able to appreciate the darker skies with your new scope, being away from the big City. Any problems, or just advice, we are all here to help, just inquire in the appropriate section to which your question relates, enjoy the forum :) 

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Hello Marti and welcome to SGL.

You've got a good telescope there!  My first buy was a 200P on an EQ5 and I cannot see a time that I would part with it!  It's been upgraded a little bit:  flocked (to improve contrast), a dual-speed focuser (to make accurate focusing easier) and a third 'slip ring' added (to make rotating the tube for the optimal viewing position a lot easier).   I have 'outgrown' the original EQ5 and will soon be upgrading the mount (yet again), but I wish I'd kept the EQ5 instead of exchanging it - it would have bee a useful spare mount.

Anyhow, you will have fabulous views with it as it is, once this cloud finally clears I'm certain!  

Have fun,

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Thank you everyone for the welcome messages and suggestions (: its all so helpful!

I have now read few books and my adaptors arrived today for my camera so after my first go at taking images tonight i will be back with a million questions!!

Thank you guys!


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