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Hello from cloudy Northern Ireland


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Hello all my name is Davey. Bought a pair of binoculars a few weeks ago and I am hooked didn't realise how much there is too see in the night sky even with small town light pollution have found a couple of double stars and what I hope was andromeda. Time for a tripod me thinks here's to clear skies at some point.

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Hi Davey and welcome to SGL, binoculars can reveal an exciting amount of detail in the night sky, even better from a dark site, enough to keep you busy for a long while to come, especially with the help of dedicated star maps and a good solid tripod mount, your field of view should be rock steady, to give you the best chance of finding those hard to see subjects, enjoy the forum :)

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Hello Davey from Tim in Western New York State.  It's cloudy here too!  haha.  You will find that overtime you buy a new piece of Astro-gear that the cloud-curse will happen.  I bought a new telescope and it was cloudy for three weeks after that.

Yes, your binoculars will show you a lot of stuff up there.  I'm thinking of getting a new pair and a nice tripod also.  Be careful though, Davey because this hobby has a way of sucking you in and spending your money!  lol.  Seriously though, it's a wonderful hobby!

Welcome and keep us posted with your Astro-adventures.

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