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jsmoraes from Brazil


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As suggested, hi mates ! I'm from Vilatur Observatory - city of Saquarema - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
you can see my work at:

english version: http://jsmastronomy.30143.n7.nabble.com/
potuguese version: astronomia.pousadavilatur.com.br

My current set of equipments has best performance for DSOs. With recent aquisition of Focal Extender 3x Explore Scientific maybe I will have better reults for Solar system.

To learn and share informations is my goal in this SGL forum.

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Hi and welcome to SGL from another imager. Great to see you here and you've got great images - I am certainly looking forward to seeing your posts on the forum.

Look forward to seeing you around :)

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Hello there...

Just been looking at some of your work....very nice indeed!

Just out of curiosity...What are your skies like? I'm thinking you must suffer from a fair degree of light pollution in Rio...though maybe I'm wrong. I suspect though that you may get more clear nights than here in the UK!

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Thank you, all guys, for reception.

Steve, I am 100 km far from city of Rio de Janeiro. I live inside an area of echological preservation and ressort: touristic beach area.

I have some pollution from city of Saquarema (East) and Araruama (West), both 15 km away. And some street light that are very near my observatory.
You can see it with Google Earth Latitude 22 55 44 South and Longitude 42 24 40 West

My major problem is wind. Strong and constant wind from NorthEast. My old observatory lost its doma, flying around as UFO !!!  :icon_rolleyes:

South is toward Antarctica. SouthEast, Australia. SouthWest, Argentina. All those direction over the sea. With few pollution; only a bit of skyglow. Excelent to capture Magellanic Clouds, Carina, Crux, and many DSOs.

North I have some montains, and much clouds over them.

The planets... they are more difficult. Because of winds. Only near zenith or a bit to West. For me, the planets are a little to North.

I believe I will have good sky for more 5 years.

Another problem is the humidity of atmosphere. I have much refraction because this. I'm on the side of the beach Find a good focus is difficult, since the bodies are dancing full time.

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