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I'm Peter from Melbourne Australia. I've been dabling with AP over the last few months but still getting my act together. The good news is I'm moving out of the city and into much darker skies (Bortle 3/4). It seems like every day I start reading something astronomy related and consequently open yet another can of worms. So I'm planning on just focusing on AP for at least the next six months (cue questions and clouds). I look forward to sharing my stories and more importantly reading yours. I love learning by doing and learning by example, so I decided to join a few forums to help the process along. My LX90 is heading for a new EQ mount which I hope will improve my AP a lot. Guess I'll see you on the other side.

all the best,


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A very warm welcome Pete all the way from Bulgaria, your a long way away but the internet is a bit quicker than a jet. I hope you get sorted with the AP there are some very talented photographers on the site and I am sure they will do their level best to help you on your way, until then stop opening cans  :grin: .


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