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Controlling a DSLR with a mobile

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Most of the astrophotography I have been doing to date has been in my back garden which conveniently faces north and I can attache my DSLR to my laptop via a 5m usb cable - which means my laptop is nice and safe in the warm/dry kitchen. As the targets I am interested are moving and seem better accessible from the fron of the house, I need to change things around a bit. Because the house is in the way I need to be a fair distance from it to see Polaris to align it all and won't be able to run a cable into the house - so I need something a bit more portable to control the camera as I take my subs. (There is a small field in front of the house by the way, I'm not standing in the road).

I have seen some apps for controlling DSLRs via a mobile, but I believe that these are only suitable for better cameras that have a wi-fi function. I am not going to be able to use them with my Canon 1100d? Am I right in this thinking or does anyone use a mobile app to control their 1100d?

Failing that, then I presume the best option is to set it all up out the front of the house and use an Intervalometer to control the imagin run? And then sit in the car to keep warm and watch for "dodgy" characters interfering with my equipment!

Not that I have had any clear skies for about 15 years.......



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I had a look at DSLR Controller which seemed to tick most of the boxes on my 450d with a usb cable and usb adapter, although since I use a laptop I have never tried it in anger.  It might be worth having a look at.

As for using clear skies in 15 years, I had a look the other week, the last time I was able to get out was August 8th  :shocked:



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I use my nexus tablet to control my 1100d using a USB cable with OTG into the tablet. Android tablet running now 4.4.4. My android phone is a little too old and the custom ROM doesn't support it.

DSLR dashboard is free though I also use DSLR controller.

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I haven't done it but I think you might be able to use this. I presume the camera plugs into it and you then use your phone to wirelessly control it. If you're interested send an email to Serge at Astro Devices, he'll be able to tell you if I'm talking rubbish, he's very helpful.


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OTG cable is £3 one DSLR app is free. Hopefully the phone will work as it is cheapest option.

Then there is something like this to trigger if your phone is not Android as a inexpensive option.


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Thanks all! Just realised how dumb I am. Spent so long thinking about why I couldn't find a micro USB to micro USB cable, I didn't even think about a converter! D'Oh! So thanks for that! I've got a spare Android phone that is pretty up to date, so might give that a go with an OTG cable.

Thanks for the link Richard - looks like an interesting solution, but a bit expensive for me at the moment - likely to be something I use occasionally, so going for the cheaper solution for now.

Thanks again everyone!

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DSLR Controller has a free shutter release app try that first before spending.

DSLR Dashboard is free but I have not used it in earnest yet as I use the other one.

You try to use the original cable that came with the Android phone.

If the cable is not right it does not send the right signals down it. I have foind I can only use the supplied cable for my phone/tablet.

OTG cables are very cheap and usually quite short mine is 4 inches.

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Thanks Happy-Kat, I guess the problem is that all micro USB cables I have end in a full-size USB, so won't plug into the phone/tablet I have. Obviously the samll end goes into the the camera. But I think the converter you mentioned should do the trick so will try and pick one up in the week and give it a go with the free app.


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I have re thought about this.

My mistake. My error had to ply back what I do, it is other cables that I have to ensure is right one when I do stuff and it was not for this task.

Camera cable USB in camera and then USB end goes into OTG. OTG then plugs into phone.

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Happy-Kat - my OTG Cable arrived today and I have downloaded Dslrdashboard. However, I can't see how to set it up for timed shooting of a series of shots. Having looked around I am presuming that you can't? But you can with DSLR Controller? Or am I being a complete fool and missing something obvious? Don't mind paying a fiver for the paid app, but want to make sure I can do what I need to do before I do.....if you get my meaning!

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Cheers Alan - I did download that one as well. But I presume, from what you are saying it won't simply work with an OTG cable? I did plug it in and select wired connection, trying both cable types, but nothing. I'll check out the website! Cheers

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Cheers Alan - I did download that one as well. But I presume, from what you are saying it won't simply work with an OTG cable? I did plug it in and select wired connection, trying both cable types, but nothing. I'll check out the website! Cheers

It runs via the headphone socket but you do need a dongle to connect to the camera remote shutter.

This is mine with the diy dongle.



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Sorry Happy-Kat, did you mean if DSLR Remote Release works then DSLR Controller will work (the paid app) DRR refers to DSLR Controller on the play store....sorry, full of stupid questions this week! Off to download and play.....possible clear sky alert on Sunday!

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DSLR controller is a paid app the developes Chainfire have DSLR remote release and is a free app (both in Play store), if you download that free app and it works on your device with your OTG and cable to the camera then you can safely get the paid app and know it will work.

Camera needs to be in M mode on the dial, camera off, connect device and camera togather, turn on camera and hope you got lucky.

DSLR Dashboard is free but it is not an app I have used other than it does also work on my tablet with my 1100d.

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