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Hi. My name is Matt. I found this site while I was looking for some advice, so I thought I'd create an account and look around a bit.

I've been into astronomy since last year. Funny thing is, that it was my 5 years old sister who made me fall in love with universe. It all started when she asked me to tell her what are these strange balls in that one book (and she fell In love with it too).

Luckily, my parents supported me and even bought me my first telescope - 80mm refractor. I remember observing Jupiter and Saturn with it, but also comet Lovejoy (2013), Andromeda galaxy and Orion nebula.

Two months ago I decided I'll try to join an Astronomical society here in Slovakia and my parents supported my once again. They borrowed me enough money so I could buy myself something I long dreamt about - a new, 8 inch Dobsonian. Since then, weather wasn't very good here (actually, this was the worst summer in past five years), but I managed to catch some amazing sights (Ring nebula, Andromeda, M81 + M82, M51, Dumbbell nebula, Saturn nebula, loads of globulars etc.) and they were simply stunning.

Now, I am waiting for Sunday nights night, which looks really promising but i am also looking forward to Messier marathon. Until then, (as I said before) I thought maybe I'll read about other's experiences and also maybe share some of mine. Clear skies!

P.S. Sorry if my English is bad, there is a lot of improvement to be done. And also sorry for long post.

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Hi Matt and welcome to SGL, very nice scope you have chosen, which should serve you well, until the time comes when you will possibly consider placing it on a motorised mount. Don`t worry about you English, it is very good, enjoy :)

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