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Hello from balmy Yorkshire!


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Hi all,

As a recent Southern ex-pat venturing to the far North post-graduation, I've finally commited and purchased a Skywatcher Skymax 127 SynScan AZ GOTO to use here in sunny Leeds (or rather more accurately, a good way out in the countryside, as what I can mainly see from my flat is a barbers and some legless students)

Just wanted to introduce myself, as I'm about as green as you can get and will probably be fishing for advice on here for the forseeable future! :laugh:

PS - Also just posted in Equipment Help & Advice about accessory recommendations for the Skymax - any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!



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Hi Nick welcome to the lounge

get used to your new kit before you buy accessories, then you will know 

what you require, a Moon filter is a good first buy, as the Moon can be bright,

but you may not need one, try observing before you buy.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Hi nick and welcome to SGL. Good scope the 127, a member of my astro club has one and it gives some really good planetary views.

Can't offer much in the way of advice exept mabye some dew prevention. Have heard they can dew up pretty badly

Good luck and clear skies


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