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Hello, I am an amateur stargazer.


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I have been observing for several years. I am more into the beauty of the cosmos than the science of it all. I mostly enjoy wide field viewing with my small refractors. I also like the deep space views, for this I use my Orion 10" reflector. I hope to get a larger scope in the future. Maybe something in the 15-18" range. I look forward to learning and sharing on this forum. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share a hobby that I really enjoy. Sincerley, Ron Gatlin.

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Enjoy your SGL experience Ron.

Any help you may need, you find in abundance here.

Lots of Knowledge in many the  areas of Astronomy's sciences reside here,

and all eagerly awaiting your questions.

Best Wishes.

Another Ron :smiley: .

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