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Hello from Herefordshire

Jim Smith

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I have been interested in astronomy for as long as I can remember. I even had a summer holiday job at the Royal Greenwich Observatory Herstmonceux in the mid 70's.  I don't think I could have watched every episode of Sky at Night, but I must have seen most of them.

I first started observing though about seven or eight years ago shortly after I moved to Herefordshire.  I am lucky in that I have really dark skies from my back garden.  Not too many clear nights though!   I am currently using a 120mm refractor, but I have something a little bigger on order which should be with me before the autumn viewing season starts.  Now that I have retired I have no excuses for not getting out there on every clear night and staying up as long as I like.

I don't have any particular preference for any one type of object to observe.  If it's up there I will take a look whatever it is!  I have started to read a bit about video astronomy and I might have a go at that.

Anyway, enough waffling. Greetings to all. I'm looking forward to joining in the discussions.


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hey jim, welcome to SGL - always nice to see another herefordian onboard (although not a true herefordian by the sound of it?)

same here for me, good dark skies and nothing but cloud most of the time! i could probably count on 2 hands the number of times i've had my scope out properly since i got it in january... 

you'll enjoy it round here though, really nice bunch of people :)

all the best


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Hi Jim welcome to the lounge,

if you have dark sky's you are a lucky man, the weather has not

been kind recently, but like you I observe everything I can, as long

as we are enjoying ourselves that's what counts, have a great time

with your new scope when it arrives.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's 

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Hi Jim and welcome to SGL - Not working is one great big bonus that's for sure!! I hope that you enjoy your new scope when it comes and get out under every cloudless night!

Look forward to seeing you around :smiley:

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