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I have been interested in stargazing for a good many decades at one time I belonged to a club back in the late 80's and 90's which had a number of telescopes the largest being a 12" Newtonian type scope in addition to a number of other scopes and a large pair of Binoculars at 100 x Magnification, there was talk of polishing a 16" mirror for a new club telescope I do not know if it ever got built as I left before then. There main scope ended up with full linkage to computer capable of photographing directly to the computer. I also had a neighbour who had a fully computerised 10" Newtonian scope who also used a variety of filters for various purposes including a Hydrogen Alpha  filter to see Sun flairs which was simply amazing. 

I have just bought a new small Skywatcher Newtonian scope which has a 4 point motor so got quite a bit to learn with this one as it is the first time I have seen let alone used a 4 point motor, I have a Nikon camera which I hope to be able to attach to the Skywatcher lens but need an adapter to link up to my Nikon camera perhaps somebody gould give me advice in that regards.   :cool:

This is not the first Telescope I have had my first one was a 74 mm refractor with a number of different sized lenses including a 2 x Barlow lens,  unfortunately the higher the magnification the darker it became, when I was stopped from driving due to ill health I ended giving that particular telescope to my old primary school which I attended in the early 50's back home, I am pleased to say that it gets used as part of there curriculum which I was thrilled on hearing that it is being used with interest by the local children in the Highlands of Scotland where you have fantastic clear skies with little or no light pollution  

I am a subscriber to Earth Sky News which I find very interesting with lots of planetary and other interesting news.  :laugh:


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Hi & Welcome to SGL. You can also access Sky & Telescope & The Sky at Night magazines on the internet for free. It's not the full subscription based viewing that you get but there is still a lot of info there.

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Hello and welcome! I am very much a newbie but I can help you on the question you posed about camera attaching. I am assuming you have a Nikon DSLR and what you need is a T mount and an adaptor. This will allow you to directly connect your camera to the scope, using it like an enormous lens!!! My moon avatar is one I took using this method!

Good luck!

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