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Thought I'd say "Hi" and convey my appreciation of SGL and it's user base in steering me towards my first beginner scope, a Sky-Watcher 200p Dobsonian (R.I.P. Mr. Dobson). Ever since I was a very small lad I have been fascinated by the heavens and what they contain, so, now I have the means, I thought I would take the next step and scratch an itch I have had for many years :)

Although I am not new to the science of space and our universe I am very much new to practising astronomy, but, from the couple of hours I've had with the scope I can safely say I'm hooked!

I'm an IT professional (not far outside London) so thinking of my scope as a time machine really floats my boat. Can't wait to hear the collective groans from those photons, that when born millions of years ago, never once suspected their monumental journey would end inside the eyes of a techy dweeb.... :)

Hopefully, once I get a bit more experience and knowledge confidence under my belt I will become more active in this community.

Kind regards,


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Hi Moo and welcome to the forum. Great choice of scope and you certainly won't be disappointed with the views it generates. As a thought, you might want to download a free planetarium program called Stellarium. It's very popular among members here and has lots of great features including the ability to calibrate it to produce an identical night sky as that seen from your observing site. There are other features too that will keep you entertained when the clouds come in.

Clear skies for now and enjoy the forum


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Thanks for the welcomes and the suggestion on Stellarium, I can see that will be very useful to get my bearings once these clouds move along. Am also reading through "Turn left at Orion" (as suggested by members here) so can use Stellarium as a dummy run to a nights viewing. Cool :)

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