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Hello from the newest Dark Sky!


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Hi everyone,

After looking up at the stars for many years and not really knowing anything about them, I have decided my business - and therefore me, should become Dark Sky friendly. I live on the edge of the Northumberland National Park and am really privilaged to be able to look out on a clear night, at the most wonderful skies. I went to a presentation by the NNP on the Dark Sky a week ago and since then have purchased a couple of pairs of binoculars, a tripod and a Dobsonian telescope. Now to find out how to use them....... And to learn what it is I am looking at, though Google Star Map does help!

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Hi, Glennith, and a warm welcome to SGL! +1 for 'Stellarium'  - it is a free planetarium used by many on here to not only help locate what is available in the night sky, but also to plan a viewing session. The software can be customised for your location (location, light pollution levels etc) and also for individual scopes/binoculars giving an idea of what you will be able to see in the eyepiece. Download from here: http://stellarium.org/

Hope that helps.


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The skies haven't cleared - yet! So spent yesterday afternoon working out how to fit the new binoculars to the new tripod. Thank you to Stephen Tonkin for his invaluable site  http://www.binocularsky.com   I first thought my binos didn't have a tripod mounting but after reading his site, worked out what went where and then spent a happy 40 minutes watching the birds on the feeders, from a chair, sipping a cup of Earl Grey. Look no hands!

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