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Newbie in Kent!


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After many years of binoculars, books and Sky at Night I have finally got myself a couple of telescopes with a view to observing and, hopefully, imaging.  I have a second hand Meade 8" LX90 which I am slowly getting the hang of and should have a Coranado PST in the post today!  My imaging will start with some prime focus DSLR and some planetary stuff with a Toucam Pro webcam.

No doubt I will be spending some time reading through the archives and I look forward to getting thoroughly engrossed in this pastime.



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Hi Alan and welcome to the forum. If you haven't done so already, you might want to consider getting hold of a copy of Steve Richards' "Making Every Photon Count". A comprehensive guide regarding everything you need to know about imaging and how to take good consistent images. Imaging is an aspect of astronomy that is very popular on here so you will be able to access lots of help should you run into any future problems.

Clear skies for now and enjoy the forum


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