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Hello from Carl in North London


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I am a beginner and just wanted to say hello to everyone on the forum!

I have a pair of 10 x 50 Meade binoculars and a Celestron 102mm SLT (GOTO) with some additional Eyepieces (BST Explorer 12mm and 25mm) and TMB Planetry 5mm, we have also been given a 8mm Plossl Vixen and Vixen 2 x barlow.  My interest in astronomy is shared with my young daughter and we have enjoyed learning our way around the skies with the naked eye and binos prior to purchasing our new telescope.

We havent had a chance for much stargazing with the Celestron as yet, but clear skies permitting my daughter and I are looking forward to setting up the new telescope on the local playing fields next weekend ...  Until then I am enjoying reading Left Turn at Orion (Christmas Present).



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Hi Carl, welcome to SGL to you and your Daughter, if she is old enough, why not take the tube to Regents Park one night soon, to meet up with the Baker Street Irregulars, details of meetings from their web site. You should gain a lot of useful information on your scope and star gazing in general, enjoy :)

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