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I have only been on here a week and already i have been overwhelmed by the helpfull nature of everybody . I am going on sunday to look at and hopefully buy my first scope - a second hand 150p on an eq5 kindly offered to me buy an sgl member ! Cant wait , and thanks to all .

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I browsed this forum for ages before buying a scope. Read load of reviews and questions etc, and having bought the scope (SW 130P) am more than pleased with it.

Have to say that so far this has been one of the most friendly forums ive ever been on.

The same questions probably arise all the time, but its only easy if you know the answer, so to all who give advice, many thanks.

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Fantastic forum! Only joined 2 months ago but have learnt more practical advice browsing the forums than the previous year reading books (and i learnt a fair bit from those!)

Friendly and helpful members have made feel welcome and not hesitant about asking rudimentary questions.

Thank you to all at SGL, Pug

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Hello All,

I don't want to risk repeating what others have said about SGL and not wanting to come across too sycophantic (!), this is a welcoming site filled with information etc etc. I wish that I had more time to visit as I haven't yet got to know the people here nor the site properly.

I'll just visit some threads before I make any suggestions!


I saw Saturn last Thurs evening through my first scope - a little 70mm Celestron refractor - for the very first time. To think....... that light had travelled from the sun, reflected off Saturn and down my tube into my eyeball ...... well ...... you understand :D

Ok, off to check before I ask and make those suggestions.......

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to say that although I am still relatively new to SGL everyone here have been awesome. There is always someone here to offer great advice and everyone here is so friendly.

It is such a great community and I am planning on being here a long time and hopefully I will be able to pass on what I have learnt to other that are in the same position as I have been.

Thank you to everyone that has replied to my requests for help and advice and congratulations on having a great site.

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Browsed for a few months, joined in Jan, bought first scope in March.

SGL incredible for guidance, friendly advice and recommendations, and also a place to link up with local observers and societies.

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The site is very good, over the couple of years that I have been a member, the help and advice has been excellent. I have found that most astronomers are in the same group, they had to start some where and had to ask to get the experience and knowledge behind them. Long live SGL!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I must say, I find SGL very friendly, informative and compared to where I am most normally active, a breath of fresh air as it is considerably less combative. I'm a convert.

On the down side, as someone looking to get into the hobby, I find the 50 posts limit to access the classifieds a bit stern. It kind of ensures that newcomers buy their kit at full retail or off other second hand sources, when they could be accessing the hobby for less money whilst lining the pockets of fellow SGL members.

Surely, some sort of ID verification or reference to other trading forums/Ebay could suffice - It's enough to make you legally trackable, or even a restriction to cash only/bank transfers.


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I'm amazed that I've only just found this thread as I've been a regular visitor since joining a couple of months ago.

Definitely one of the most friendly forums I've ever frequented, full of really helpful people. Despite the technicalities of the subject and even for a noobie like me, not in the slightest bit intimidating. I'm sure the questions I've asked have probably been asked several times before, but there is always someone willing to post a speedy and helpful reply.

SGL is a real asset to the astro community, long may it thrive:)

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"It kind of ensures that newcomers buy their kit at full retail or off other second hand sources, when they could be accessing the hobby for less money whilst lining the pockets of fellow SGL members"

Russell - It's not actually a question of ID verification, or legal trackability, nor trading reference. Nor your assumptions quoted above.

The rule is there to ensure that traders don't come straight in and sell stuff for profit having bought cheaply elsewhere. Also to ensure they don't buy bargains from members here only to sell for profit elsewhere (thus exploiting our members).

The rule helps us to attract members who wish to contribute in the forum by helping others with their knowledge and experience. In the case of newbies - a month of asking questions and getting advice will help them to choose the scope that's right for them (rather than buying a dud or something unmanageable).

One month and 50 posts pass very quickly and gives us chance to assess the posting patterns of new members and ascertain if they are genuinely interested in astronomy or just here to take advantage and make money.

The rule serves to protect our membership in a familly forum that we are all very proud of. :)

I you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact a member of the admin/moderator team.

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I did indeed do that and as expected, my request was knocked back.

I'm not bitter; Indeed I said at the time that if you don't ask, you don't get! I entirely appreciate the the rules (and as a member of editorial staff on another forum, so I should!) and will of course abide by the decision.

The forum I frequent has similar rules about profiteering which I find to be entirely justified, but as they have paid staff they probably have a greater capacity for weeding out the disingenuous. Indeed they have a really good track record of banning Ebay buyers who sell for profit or buyers who Ebay bought items. I can even recall a reviewer who got caught - It wasn't me before you ask.:eek:

I'll agree that one month passes quickly (Hell! It's three since I joined) but as someone used to being a technical guru (If I may be so bold) it's a bit hard to post in the manner of a n00b to generate 50 posts when the oft ignored 'search' works so well. I was that soldier and have long since got tired of lecturing people on how to find answers to questions long since asked.

My fortieth is 2nd June and a SW 200P/HEQ5 will be sitting in my garden on that date regardless, even if that is approaching the most useless point of the year in astronomical observation terms. It's now my mission to ensure that I avail myself of the classifieds to ensure that I do that for the minimum outlay possible. Not because I want to spend less, but because every pound saved is a better EP, bigger power tank, counterbalance weight extension, etc a bit further down the line and a bit sooner t'boot.

Regardless, out of all of the astronomical forums I've surfed, this is the one I will remain part of and as a beginner, I can't give better feedback than that.:)


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I can only echo the general sentiment-SGL is brilliant. I`ve posted questions and had very full answers, very quickly.

I`m also a member of a bodybuilding forum, where discussion tends to be more robust than here, and I`m impressed with the civility of the answers. The humour`s the same, though. All in all, I really don`t think this site can be improved. For a new commer to the hobby, I think the breadth of knowledge and the joy of sharing it precludes joining any other astro site. The mods should be proud!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, i am so glad i found this site, there is a wealth of knowledge here, and so many people wish to share the knowledge they have for the benefit of people who are just getting interested in astronomy, like myself.

I was amazed at how friendly everyone here is, i do not think there is anything better that could be done, i think it is excellent the way this site operates already!.

Huge thumbs up here, keep it up, i just hope 1 day when i know enough that i can help someone the way i have been helped here.



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hi.. asim here.. and what an awesome forum has this turned out.. i came here to help me decide the scope i should be getting.. its been almost two months and ive been totally immersed in the site.. ive learnt so much in such a short period of time from the members here.. it wouldnt have been possible if i hadnt hit this forum.. the members are so willing to help.. they ignore the fact how stupid your questions sound to them.. and patiently answer over and over again TILL YOU GET IT!!!.. ;).. this has literally turned out to a gold mine of knowledge for me.. if i could i wouldve used a spider to download ALL the posts so far for future reference.. cuz whatever problem you have.. someone has a work around for that.. but i wouldnt wanna miss the new posts that spring up every second.. you wouldnt learn even one hundredth as much in a paid specialist course like imaging etc as you learn here.. a MUST bookmark in every star gazers browser..

one brilliant thing.. 50 posts and one month membership to be able to access the BUY AND SELL forum.. if it wasnt i wouldve jumped in.. brought a scope without thinking much.. and regretted..

one recommendation.. keep it up.. its perfect..

love this forum.. love its people.. =)

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A great forum!

I joined it before I bought my scope and the forum influenced my choice (my main interest is DSO imaging).

The various sections in the forum (and using search) have answered many questions for me.

The few questions I have needed to asked so far have been quickly answered by knowledgeable people.

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I have been into Astronomy on and off for about 40 years, self taught, although I have always had a telescope of one form or another, I realize after joining this forum how little I know about the subject, yes you can read books but the best answers come from real hands on experiance which the people on SGL have.

A big thank you to all, who have aswered my questions, and have kick started me back into this incredable subject.

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Hi I only joined this month I'v always enjoyed just looking up at the stars and when I got some money for my birthday last month thought I'd put it towards a telescope since I joined I'v had so much help this site its definitely 5star thanks to everyone's help I'm hoping it won't be to long before I get my first scope

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  • 2 weeks later...


This forum quicly became my top information gathering place for all things astronomy.

I find it very usefull, informative and friendly.

Thanks for you job, and all the input made to this site!



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Hi there.

My impression of this site, Brilliant.

People on here are friendly supportative and ready to help with questions from the most basic to the out and out complicated.

The old saying of ' if it ain't broke dont fix it ' comes to mind.

Just keep on doing what you are doing because as a complete novice at this I cannot see how you can improve things.

Great site.


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In my very short time on this forum so far it's been great, all you have to do to get advice is just ask , There is always someone able to help in some way.. A very helpful forum indeed..

And lots of friendly people too...

Glad to be a part of it...

Regards ....Graeme

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I have to agree with pretty much everyone else - this is a fantastic forum filled with huge amounts of information and advice. Although I haven't posted before, this is because so far I've found the answer to every question I had by simply searching what has gone before.

Excellent work, keep it up!

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