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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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I bought two of these for spares for my 1100D and its the same battery for your 1200D had no issues with the so far,  just as good as the original canon branded one

Thanks Leigh - it is Woozy with the 1200D - I have a 100D, which take LP-E12 type batteries.

Thanks for the heads up on the brand as I was going to ask which ones you would recommend.

Going to order them before the weekend - thank you for the info :)

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Yea, looks OK so far. What will you be observing tonight?

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

If it stops clear, I am going to have a scout around Cassiopeia as there is a special guide to the constellation as its abundance of star clusters (and other observing target) in this month's AN magazine :)
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If it stops clear, I am going to have a scout around Cassiopeia as there is a special guide to the constellation as its abundance of star clusters (and other observing target) in this month's AN magazine :)

Nice, happy hunting. The moon should be up by now so hooe it doesn't drown things out too much.

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

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Looks ok in Ossett at moment, I have both scopes set up and hope to get some nice views, no cloud about at least.

Hope you've managed to do a bit of viewing Eric as the sky is still really clear, but the moon is wreaking havoc and washing a lot of the sky out.

I've just had 45 minutes or so with the little 80mm refractor in the back yard - a bit of viewing in my PJs - my neighbours know I am mad! :)

I was asking where to find NGC457 The Owl Cluster in Cassiopeia whilst I was out for the lunar eclipse on Monday, but I didn't have my books with me to locate it. I managed to find it today, although it couldn't be seen very well due to the pesky moon! I could make out the two bright stars that make up the "eyes", with a couple more around it, but it was just too bright to really appreciate this pretty open cluster. I'll have another go at that one when the moon is out of the way.

I then tried for Soupy's new cluster, NGC7789 The White Rose cluster, but again I couldn't make it out due to the bright sky.

Well, the saying goes, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em - so, I turned my scope onto the cause of my frustration - The Moon.

Had a pleasant half an hour viewing our closest companion whilst enjoying a beer.

Hope some of you have got out this evening, even though The Moon has probably limited the viewing :)

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Think I might pass on astronomisimg tonight and go share a beer with Soupy instead :-)

Hope you and Soupy have had a good evening - were Doritos and giant buttons on the menu again?

Seems like you had the best idea as the moon has put a stop to any real productive viewing.

Have fun chaps! ;)

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I decided I was too tired tonight, so opened the fridge, got a beer, put some music on and relaxed. Glad you saw the owl cluster, I like that one. Gonna chill now, have a look at my daughters music book to see weekday she's got to practice tomorrow after school then probably head to bed

Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk

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Not too bad until things started to mist up ,early on  m31 and double cluster came through good , had a general scout around Cassiopeia for a good 30mins but main target tonight was Altair but by the time I got around to searching for it the Moon was causing problems, the mist (dew) added to the frustration lol so I decided to call it a night after 2hrs 30mins , all in all a 50/50 nights viewing from my back garden. 

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Moon was fine... Not!

To be honest I didn't see it as was sat inside having a beer, Doritos, buttons and a chat with Gain ;)

Moon was fine... Not!

To be honest I didn't see it as was sat inside having a beer, Doritos, buttons and a chat with Soupy;)

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Hope you and Soupy have had a good evening - were Doritos and giant buttons on the menu again?

Seems like you had the best idea as the moon has put a stop to any real productive viewing.

Have fun chaps! ;)

Aww Vicky...you were missed...somehow the Doritos and Buttons lasted longer

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The skies have been really nice these past few days but I haven't managed to do anything [emoji31][emoji31][emoji31][emoji31][emoji31][emoji31] I really can't get over how fast this group moves on, I check it after a couple of days and it's moved on 100 posts lol I'm totally missing out!

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The skies have been really nice these past few days but I haven't managed to do anything [emoji31][emoji31][emoji31][emoji31][emoji31][emoji31] I really can't get over how fast this group moves on, I check it after a couple of days and it's moved on 100 posts lol I'm totally missing out!

Hopefully you'll get out to do a bit of viewing once the moon gets out of the way.

Blame that Gain and Soupy for the speed of the thread - it's nothing to do with Ursula lol ;)

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