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What Can I Expect to See....?

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Top post this Qualia my man. I am still kinda new to this hobby and your posts have made me think a little more about some of my own viewing techniques and I shall be applying them next time I get behind the eyepiece.

In particular the bit about having a little more patience behind it when viewing objects to allow them time to develop instead of simply flicking from one thing to another, which I admit to being a culprit of.

Also the trying out different powered EP's to try and squeeze out a little more definition and detail as all to often its a case of "seen it, quick few minutes view and move on", (the patience thing again). 

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An all time great post!

Without doubt... Probably the simplest and single most informative read for anyone setting out into the hobby. I expect this will help many people avoid huge disappointment from misleading representations, yet still prove to be very encouraging on the joys to be had at the eyepiece.

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well done qualia , as always your posts are great and this one is another level you realy should write a book, if you wrote a book about gardening it would sound interesting coming from you. well done fella. ps will you write my cv out for me lol :grin: 

Edited by faulksy
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Great post. Also tried to send another note of thanks to you for the advice 're TAL  and EP choice but  could not get it through to you. Apologies for the delay in response, had to travel to the states...and first chance to say cheers. 

Keep on posting :-)

Thanks and apologies once again.

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I'm not one for excuses, but :cheesy:....I've been suffering from chronic back ache this last week or so, a harsh case of sciatica. Refusing to take any time off work (exam time and slow but very worried children need to pass or they're put back a year!) mixed in with a little pain and a mighty cocktail of medicine is knocking me out a little. As soon as I get back on the mend, I'll tidy the OP and include a part III.

I am sorry and do apologise to everyone. Thank you all for your kind words and support, seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone :icon_salut:

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I'm not one for excuses, but :cheesy:....I've been suffering from chronic back ache this last week or so, a harsh case of sciatica. Refusing to take any time off work (exam time and slow but very worried children need to pass or they're put back a year!) mixed in with a little pain and a mighty cocktail of medicine is knocking me out a little. As soon as I get back on the mend, I'll tidy the OP and include a part III.

I am sorry and do apologise to everyone. Thank you all for your kind words and support, seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone :icon_salut:

Your students are very fortunate to have you as their teacher Rob.Thanks again for all the work on this

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This has helped greatly, many thanks. I have just bought a ETX 105 EC. Due to the weather i haven't ventured out with the telescope, but I'm hoped to get out soon. With these pictures as guidance I have a much better guess as what to both look for and expect. Also, I can use them as a rough guide as to make sure I have the correct viewing setup. 

Great post

Many thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

I you are fortunate to live in or near dark Sky you will see much more light coming from Objects.

Here is an example of what I see from my Very dark sky in my country town in Australia.

This is as close as I can get to what I see through my 12" GSO f5 Dobsonian using a GSO 2" 30mm SuperView Eyepiece.

Notice the slight pale green tinge. Young children tell me they see it in pale Pink!

Yes, a far cry from the pretty pictures on telescope boxes  :grin:


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loving the op Quaila, It'd be nice if this could automatically get posted on "which scope" type threads. Having suffered from deteriorated discs in the lower back for 20+ yrs, my heart goes out to you. hang in there and get well soon.


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