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Hi from the Midlands


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Hello Everybody (said in the voice of Dr. Nick Riviera)

Never used a scope, or even looked through one, but I'm looking forward to finding out how to. A manual one. I want to find stuff and tick it off my imaginary list

I think stargazing live did it for me

Anyway, I'm off to the Leicester space centre at the weekend :rolleyes:

Clear skies...

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Hi Tim,

Warm welcome to SGL. Before parting with hard earned cash, find your local astro club and go along to see what kit others have, that will help you make the right choice on a 'scope.

Nothing wrong with starting out using binos and a star chart to learn your way round the sky. A couple of books 'turn left at orion' and 'sky & telescope pocket star atlas' will help you and when you have five minutes download a planetarium program. Try stellarium, its great and free!, to be found here :--- http://www.stellarium.org/

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Hi Tim welcome to the lounge,

if you are eager to learn this great hobby,

you are definitely in the right place, but take your

time choosing a scope or bins there's lot's of

advice given here. Enjoy.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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Welcome Tim

You will love the National Space Centre! I went there with my son around a year ago. It's worth paying extra for any exrtra stuff going on in the Planetarium, be prepared to spend lots of time there!

We will no doubt be visiting again - I think our tickets are open ended or something, all I know is we can visit again and again and will be doing so! And I bet you will visit more than once too!

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Thanks for the warm welcome Everyone :laugh:. Blimey loads of replies!! Note to self - check-in more often...

There is a local club at Rosliston which is just down the road - ill check it out

The only book I have currently is the latest Phillips guide to astronomy, but even though it's aimed at beginners it is heavy going! Starting to make sense of the star charts - in my head at least. Can stellarium be loaded onto the iPad?

Yeah, the Leicester space centre is a bit of a weired one :eek: , I think the tickets are open for 12 months - so if you'd forward yours onto me...

Seriously though, thanks for the welcome and the advice


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