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Jupiter 06.02.13 in fair seeing.


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This evening was pretty difficult...quite blustery at my location near to the coast and seeing varying more that usual. I think this is about the best I managed from this session. Jupiter looking significantly smaller that the last time I managed to get out on the 15th Jan!!

Quite a challenge but still able to pull out some decent detail thankfully. :smiley:

Usual set-up: LX200ACF 12", DFK21AU618 OSC Camera.



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Thanks everyone. Don't think there will be many more opportunities on Jupiter as the lighter nights are fast approaching. Lets hope Saturn delivers some good images despite the low altitude!!!


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Great work Pete you can get quality, even near the end of opposition. And with wind. Like you say it will be gone soon. I noticed a night recently where the transparency was awful, really dim. With large optics and low focal length, i am sure seeing would have been stable. But i didnt think my 245 mm could cut through that level of mist. But it must have been calm. I did think of your large optics. This is one area where large optics can really shine under stable but poor trans.

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Great work Pete you can get quality, even near the end of opposition. And with wind. Like you say it will be gone soon. I noticed a night recently where the transparency was awful, really dim. With large optics and low focal length, i am sure seeing would have been stable. But i didnt think my 245 mm could cut through that level of mist. But it must have been calm. I did think of your large optics. This is one area where large optics can really shine under stable but poor trans.

Hi Neil,

I have had a couple of nights where seeing has been stable but the transparency low where you have to push the gain settings quite a bit above where they would normally be just to get a decent histo. I think you are right that this is where the larger aperture really helps to make the most of these sorts of conditions. To be honest I probably need to go back over some of the data from these nights as I have probably dismissed it too soon. This is the problem once you have had some good results, I always want to improve but of course that's not always possible with so factors out of our control!!.



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