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RIP Sir Patrick


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First watched the sky at night aged 8 in 1966 -2012

Like many of my generation grew up with the space race and the past bedtime ,but allowed sky at night programme ,always too short but compulsive viewing .

He was an inspiration to many generations of astronomers both amatuer and professional alike.

I met him 3 times at book signings always had time for an imformative chat ,and i treasure my personally signed books .

He was is truely a one off we will never see his like again .

His telescopes like himself were homegrown and unique you won't find others the same quintessentially british .which inspired me to build mine .

I can't imagine the sky at night without his machine gun like delivery and infectious enthusiasm.


rest peacefully patrick .c.moore and thank you for all of those wondeful memories.


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Caught the evening news... so sad to hear he has passed away.

I had the pleasure of meeting him on two occasions in the 1980's and 90's... he was a very warm and sincere person. It is indeed a sad day - RIP Patrick

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I started out in sstronomy at school in 1958, and he's been with me all the way. One of my first books was the Space Encyclopaedia, which came with a special supplement about the first satellites. All the planetary articles in the encyclopaedia were written by him. He was never patronising, always helpful, even to schoolboys like me with elementary questions, and we shan't see his like again - Hugh.

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second tme of posting but have to say the beeb gave him a fair report ahead of other reports on the night. Sincerely hope they see fit to give the man a obituary programme that surely befits someone that gave so much to Astronomy, to his passon.

A chap mentioned on TV ht he took time to reply to all letters and enquiries, from whoever and wherever they came. From the many wishes and replies I have read on here, I know Sir Patrick had a passion and integrity that was beyond and above anyones expectations.

He will live on with us all in our memories and in the history books forever.

Truly a wonderful and special man.

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A chap mentioned on TV ht he took time to reply to all letters and enquiries, from whoever and wherever they came. From the many wishes and replies I have read on here, I know Sir Patrick had a passion and integrity that was beyond and above anyones expectations.

He certainly did. I wrote to him many times when I was much much younger and he answered every letter personally and fully. I had the good fortune to be invited to his house and went with my father. He was a thoroughly nice man, didn't talk down to me or patronise me but rather treated me as an equal and fellow amateur even though I wasn't even in my teens at the time. He fostered my lifelong interest in astronomy and for that I'll always be grateful and remember him very fondly. He's almost single-handedly responsible for astronomy being the popular hobby it is IMO. His work on the moon was pioneering - it was used by the Americans to plan moon missions. Uniquely eccentric yet modest and unassuming, a real gentleman scientist. He'll be greatly missed. R.I.P. Patrick and thank you.

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Hello all;

I have always been proud that two of the three books I have written are part of the Patrick Moore series, published by Springer. I also have saved his typewritten reply to a letter I wrote to him as the first book was being published. He was very kind and appreciative of my modest contribution.

I also looked forward to buying a copy of The Sky at Night magazine at my local bookstore. Lots of great articles by him on the history of astronomy and the people he had met over the years. Moore believed he was the only person to have met the first man to fly, Orville Wright, as well as the first man in space, Russian Yuri Gagarin, and the first man on the moon, the late Neil Armstrong.

As so many have said, a man who will be missed;

Steve Coe

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Sad news indeed, but he has had a great innings. Whenever I tick another object off the Caldwell list, I shall think of him. I liked his grumpy comments like the one when people where suggesting Shoemaker-Levy 9 would knock Jupiter out of its orbit:

"Whenever there is a comet all the crackpots come out of the woodwork!"

He went on to say that the effect on the orbit of Jupiter would be comparable to the effect of throwing balls of cotton wool at a charging rhino.

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