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M42 done with one eye


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I had a bit of an accident a few weeks ago where my multimeter probe went through my left eye and hit the lens. They have removed the lens from inside my eye and are waiting for the front to heal before fitting a new IOL lens. So as you can imagine astro imaging and processing is a little frustrating at present! Infact everything is frustrating!

But i'm far from giving up!

I konw there is some fluxure in the system somewhere and the focuser isn't sitting perfectly flat so the stars arn't perfect by any means.

18x10min + 10x2min + 10x20sec + 10x5sec subs + darks and flats @ ISO400,

Modded 1000D @ -3degC

skywatcher 8in f5 reflector.

Celestron CGE mount

Baader MPCC.

CLS-CCD LP clip in filter.

Stacked in DSS and processed in PixInsight and PS.

Bigger one here http://www.flickr.com/photos/46302893@N02/8255346753/sizes/k/in/photostream/


M42 Orion Nebula by meg rac, on Flickr

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Thanks everyone. Its been an interesting experience not having the use of two eye's, it's harder than you think just to see if a star is round or not on the pc screen. I can fully recomend not stabbing your eye out!

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Wtf were you doing?!

Haha all i did was pick it up out of the toolbox. The lead clipped the side of the box, flicked up and want right in. I'm an autosparky so the odds got me in the end, i pick the multimeter up alot!

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Great picture. Certainly doesn't seem to have affected your ability. Good luck with healing process, I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Skywatcher Skyliner 200p Dobsonian

Celestron Skymaster 15x70 Binoculars

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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OMG what a terrible accident :( Hope you make a speedy and full recovery :) You have my greatest sympathy :)

Your image is wonderful with great processing - well done :)

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