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Hello from SW london


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Ive been following the forum for a few months now , I thought it was time I said hello. I bought a set of 25x100 binos and manfrotto tripod back in June along with a host of star charts and TLAO. I have been hooked since . I started observing the open clusters of the summer triangle and generally trying to familiarise myself with the constellations . I have since bought a Skywatcher 250PX Flex Tube and some top quality eyepieces . I spend every chance I get (when it's not cloudy) sketching DSOs and I will post some at some point :(

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hi Phil,

I am London based as well, just curious, are you observing in London, or going to dark viewing spots?

If you are doing your observing from London, can you share your experiences with light pollution, and what measures, if any, you are taking to combat its effects :(

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Thanks for the welcomes , Im based in feltham, I use the large area of decking in my garden to observe. I have heathrow airport glowing in the northern area of my skies , but Ive got a good patch of eastern sky with no street lamps , so I can view the planets, moon and the new constellations that roll in really well. Theres not a lot I can do to combat the light pollution . I just try to keep to a shaded area of the garden and avoid looking directly at lamps , I also use an eye patch . The light pollution filters I have dont really do it for me , i think it just dims the view and doesnt add anything .

For a dark site I have been to box hill. That was with my binos back in june. I did drive to the top of leith hill in august with my girlfriend and all the gear in the car . We got to the car park and she said 'I aint getting out here it's scary' . So off we drove home again !!

I'd be interested to hear of anyones dark sites in my area . I do know of access to a lovely golf course miles out which is very dark and peaceful at night .

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