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Am I weak?


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I've just checked, and it's fairly clear outside, although it won't be totally dark until 12:30

On sky voyager I looks like if I wait another month it will be dark enough at 11....

...i think I'll wait

Does that make me a bad astronomer?

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I don't think you're alone in that.

I've just got in from the Cotswold AS monthly meeting. Wonderful talk about volcanoes in the solar system, but clouded out after the talk so no chance of observing. I get home, lug the kit in from the car. Now there are a few breaks in the clouds and it look like it may be clearing, but there is a party going on in the house opposite my back garden, so flood lights everywhere. I've lost the moon behind the house anyway, and moonlight plus summer skies means DSO observing will be tough. I could give it an hour and wait to see if the party winds up and the clouds clear away but to be honest...I'm bushed.

Think I'll go to bed instead.

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I am in the same place as u waybig, i had my sct out tonight and got some great views of the moon early on... but i have pretty much decided that the sct is going in its case for the summer as the time to observe isnt worth it, ill just use my ed80 on az3 for those quick views....

does matter really aslong as its fun

just buy some more gear.. always cheers me up :D

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Yes, a dreadful astronomer! :D

To be honest the skies suddenly seem to get a lot darker in August. I noticed that when I first went to the salisbury star parties.

I tend to get home late from work and I am also so bushed that I can't find the energy to set up or more importantly I don't have the patience to align properly and end up getting frustrated!

I ended up buying a fab pair of Japanese vixen 80mm binoculars which allow me to pop outside and scan around for a short time after getting home at 10pm from work.

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Your certainly not a bad astronomer or weak, it sounds like your more frustrated with the fact that the conditions in summer don't allow or favour any real good night out under dark skies. Only a few weeks to go, just sit it out, before you know it you'll be itching to get back at it again.

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I find summer observing exhausting. Setting up at silly O'Clock and loosing a nights kip for maybe at best 3-4 hrs "OK" observing. I go out when I can catch up on my sleep the next day but if not I just do a quick scan of the heavens for an hr with my bins.

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I've just come in from observing. The conditions only favor finding the brightest and easiest objects. It's very late but I still feel good I went out. An hour or two of peaceful contemplation is priceless. I've just got update my log book then I'm off to bed.

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I was feeling exactly the same way not long ago. Ashamed with myself for chosing sleep over a (relatively) clear few hours in the wee hours of the AM.

But then I figured it had to be fun, or what's the point?

So I also started using the 102mm refractor on the EQ3 for short look-sees when appropriate, instead of lugging, and setting-up the C-8, and I'm just going with the flow right now. Fall will be here quick enough, and winter means darkness as soon as you get home from work.

Anyway I have plenty of astronomy books, magazines, DVDs, websites (and forums!) to keep me going during thses light-filled evenings.

It's not weakness.

It's dealing with the reality of summer in mid to high latitudes.

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Chris - you're a very naughty boy!:D:D

When I think back to the number of nights lost to rubbish weather, or the perfect clear nights lost to coincidental family do's (...no excuse except death can prevent you from going!) I seize every opportunity to get out there and look at something. The reason I make the effort is because it allows me to gawp and stuff for long periods of time, to breath it all in if you like, without the need to pack in as much as you can because its been a while since you last observed. Exploring the topic of double stars which are great to observe this time of year or to really study the moon when she's up is great. Of course the nights are short but my memory of setting your kit in VERY cold temperatures makes me want to wallow in observing on these comparatively warmer nights around now.

The secret is probably having a simple set up (no fusing about with polar alignment/Goto etc) that you can carry, put it down and have a good old gawp at the milkyway etc. In winter I try to construct some observing schedules, etc but in summer, its fun just to have a look around and see what you can see. I know of people who moan when they can't get out and then when they can, they don't bother for one reason or another. Well life's to short, take a chance even at this time of year and you never know what you might see.

You're still a very naughty boy but I'll let you off this once - just don't let it happen again!:p:D

Clear skies


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Some of us have lifestyles that require early starts - such as working and parenting. However much I love astronomy, my daytime activities & obligations (which requires me to be bright eyed and bushy tailed), includes one that pays for the hobby, feeds my family and pays my bills comes first. I usually hit the ground running at 5:30am, and finally finish my daytime obligations by 11:30pm. Call me weak, if you like.....

The majority of people who do these regular all-nighters/late night summer observing/imaging sessions are those with not many commitments, such as being retired - they can catch up on that precious sleep during the day. Granted, there may be a few live wires out there who can exist on four hours a sleep a night, hold down a full time job and manage a family plus more, but I bet they are few and far between.

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Nice to know some others feel the same. I've got as much enthusiasm as anyone, until 11-30 or 12!

Clear skies forecast again tonight, pity you can't bank them and cash them in in august!

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I'm with you sir. I stayed out until just after midnight last night but only the moon was really worth looking at. At least I had a lie in this morning. In the north of England it just doesn't get dark at all at the moment. Roll on September.

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I just looked at moon for little bit last night will be lot better viewing once i get me tripod this week sometime :D

view when ever pleases you doesnt make you bad astronomer.

Like comment from xboxdevil astronomy is meant to be fun, wait until the time suits and you'll enjoy it far more.

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i have this problem, due to factors i only really get to use scope on a friday, but i usually have a very early start at work on fridays and to set up at like 10.30 at night im so tired just cant face it, roll on darker skies in the autumn

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Same here. Got my first 'scope about a month ago and had one night with it so far on holiday. Since then it's either been too cloudy, too light or too late! I've been hoping to make some time at the weekend but the wife keeps on arranging for us to do other stuff ("Your dad's 60th? Do we really have to be there? You're sure?" :-)).

I've got the scope out a few times to practice what I can PAing it and so forth but there's only so much you can do without a dark sky. I did manage to get a close up of the leaves on the tree at the end of the garden while experimenting with my new t-ring and 450d though...

It's also given me a chance to get familiar with various bits of software that should be give me a headstart once I start collecting data.

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No a sensible one but i fear soon ,as the dark nights come ,you will turn into a a crazy one and will have the scope out most nights with frost on the tube and on ya self and stay in up late. the bug will soon get you and every night will become an obssesion and you will be glad you had those warm nights in the house in the summer

keep looking up!

clear skies always


ps buy some nice gloves a wooley hat long johns for your self, and a new pair of shoes and handbag for your good lady to make up for future nights not spent tucked up in bed next to her

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I agree, it just doesn't get dark enough early enough - I think it was the end of May I last had my scope out properly. I was way too tired the next day.

Last night though we got home about 1am, went out with my binos and saw M31 for the first time so I was really chuffed considering how light the sky was.

I can't wait until the nights draw in - and I don't see it as wishing the summer away as I have always preferred winter anyway!

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I went out last night and got back about 01:30 and the sky was the best I've seen for a good few weeks. I didn't want to start setting up incase I disturbed the neighbours. I was tired out from a long day though so was probably glad of the excuse.

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