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Bet someone can't believe his luck


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The summer months will see a plethora of astro kit being sold. I know of quite a few(newbie) folks who bought telescopes after seeing the astronomical programmes on television - only to be sorely disappointed. They thought they would see images like the Hubble pictures....

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I will never understand this misconception. Granted I had not seen much of the hubble images when I first got in to astronomy but none the less the thought of nebula, planets and galaxies that are beyond imaginable distances showing colour or any kind of definition never entered my mind. After all the sky is black and the stars are white. TBH I was blown away by the fact I could see craters on the moon :)

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cool :p, i'm going to sell my other newtonian on an eq mount :), should get a grand for it at least :headbang:.

I know we are not supposed to discuss price in open forum but I saw that model being sold new on ebay for £250 I think a thousand is a little overpriced :p

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I know we are not supposed to discuss price in open forum but I saw that model being sold new on ebay for £250 I think a thousand is a little overpriced :)

Oh no you've done it now - don't you know the rule is you say it's a bargain but not that it's expensive! :p

Besides that looks a sturdier mount than the Seben one and the mirror is sure to have a better figure.

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I think the really sad part is not how much over the odds the buyer paid for it but how much he's gona loose when he finally decides to sell it :) That is unless 1***ns.gif( 0 ) s.gificonNewId_16x16.gif is still in the market for one at the time :p

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I will never understand this misconception. Granted I had not seen much of the hubble images when I first got in to astronomy but none the less the thought of nebula, planets and galaxies that are beyond imaginable distances showing colour or any kind of definition never entered my mind. After all the sky is black and the stars are white. TBH I was blown away by the fact I could see craters on the moon :)

I find it very easy to understand - all the images we see (ALL of them) on TV or in the media are full-colour, enhanced and processed to within an inch of their lives, so it's no surprise that "ordinary people" assume that;s what they'll see, too. The other misconception that people have is that all astronomical objects are small. Since nobody ever mentions the size, and "ordinary people" (them again :p) see telescopes sold with X-hundred times magnification on the box, it's harldy surprising, either.

I do feel sorry for people who get inspired, dash off and spend shed-loads of money, only for the reality to hit on the first night out: after days/weeks/months being clouded out - which nobody told them about, either. What surprises me more is that there isn't more hostiliity towards astronomy - or rather: the people who promote it so enthusiastically, without warnings for the newbies just how little (and how infrequently) they'll be able to see.

Back to this unfortunate and the auction. It does appear that the "red mist" got to someone in a big way.

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The summer months will see a plethora of astro kit being sold. I know of quite a few(newbie) folks who bought telescopes after seeing the astronomical programmes on television - only to be sorely disappointed.

is it wrong to say "i hope so"? i don't want anyone to be discouraged, but i love plentiful cheap good stuff. i say this as someone who thumbed a lift on the good ship stargazing live, and i'm mighty impressed with what i've seen. though i don't think anyone is going to be ditching anything i've now decided i want though (did anyone as a raw beginner watch brian cox and go straight out and buy a set of t4 naglers?).

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Looks like shill bidding going on there; I bet it gets relisted.

Yeah lots of bids from that "0" feedback bidder.

May well see it again ?

If the buyer gets fed up with it, I know where he can get a "bargain" 11" Celestron Edge HD SCT !

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