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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Sunday I went out to get a couple quick shots of the moon rising. While snapping photos with the interval timer, I had a couple water birds come in to roost in the trees around my pond.
  2. Yes, thanks for the images. It's great seeing you share this with your daughter. It will leave her memories that will last forever. I managed to get SWMBO out for a moment about 1/3 into the transit for a peek. Wish I could have got my grand children out, but they were in school.
  3. Excellent. Definitely have to give a thumbs up to those dedicated solar scopes.
  4. I wonder when you put the amatuer-amatuers, like me, the professional amateurs like so many of you on the SGL, then the real professional scientists all over the world, just how many witnessed it?
  5. Incredible how tiny it is! With my glasses, I really struggle trying to get a camera focused on something so small. And to think, in the grand scheme of things, Sol is small too.
  6. Dont mean to rub it in, but right now its CAVU and Sol is climbing above the trees. I really wish I could send you this sky.
  7. This morning like the pilots would say, I've got ceiling and visibility unlimited. If the weather holds, I'm taking my DOB out of the observatory and setting it up in a location that let's me see the sun at 5° above the horizon. I'm pretty certain it will be good viewing with temps in the 60's and humidity in the high 50's.
  8. I got a text alert that on Monday SpaceX is also launching another set of the Starlink satellites. Some time around 9am EST.
  9. Got my fingers crossed. Its cloudy and raining now. So just maybe, this front will blow on through and give me clear cold skies Monday.
  10. Yesterday, we were fogged in till almost noon. It was thick enough you could look at the huge red orb with your naked eyes. This morning, perfectly clear. But there's a cold front coming and they're promising clouds all day tomorrow and Sunday. I just hope it does like it almost does with a cold front and Monday is clear.
  11. Very nice. Seeing images like this and the others that members post, my simple attempts at any astrophotography makes me think I'm using a Kodak instamatic! 😳
  12. Just saw your post today. There is a really nice tour at the Kennedy space center. If you search online you'll find times, costs and even chances to have lunch or dinner with an astronaut. Been YEARS since I took my daughters there, but we were able to stand on the site for the mercury launches and many other sites.
  13. One image per century. What have you accomplished with all the spare time you had? I hope you made some significant changes to the world.😉
  14. I've been getting ready for it in Florida. Planned a vacation starting the 10th and going all the way to the 19th to also take in the peak night of the Leonids. Checked my solar filter out yesterday to be certain no pin holes. Also been cutting down a few trees blocking my view. Looks like it will begin around 8:30 at my location so hopefully that will have it above some of the neighbors trees SWMBO says I cant sneak over and put my chainsaw to.😎🙄🙄
  15. It is sad seeing you deal with this issue and know over here in the states it is no different. The lights here on buildings closed during the night hours, plus street lights over side walls where no one walks at night could reduce so much fuel usage if they just turned them off 4 or 5 hours after midnight. I recently posted photos of a large bridge they are illuminating. The local TV station has decided to use color lighting on their radar structure to show what the weather will be. White, blue and red for clear rainy and severe. One of the casinos near Miami has been built in the shape of a guitar. With no neck. They're beaming LED's up into the sky to make the strings There is no thought to the cost, or pollution.
  16. For almost 2 years I've spoke with the fire chief for the station 300' from my house. They finally shielded 2 of the 3 LEDs they have on all night. They did the 2 that have a tall thick wall of trees partially blocking them. Didn't do the one that affects me the most. This is what I see every night back to the West.
  17. I guess that you rarely see the auroras at 53N, my only hope at 27N will be the next massive CME. Just hope I still have power and cell phone while I watch it.🙄
  18. I clearly remember being able to see a tail, though faint. My daughter had a friend sleeping over and I woke them all to see it. The friends comment at 1 am was, "you woke me to look at a star?"
  19. Was it a really visible comet, or one that was there but, a fuzzy to the naked eye? I remember waking my daughters to see one about then, but the one we saw was quite faint.
  20. Out in the areas where wildlife exists, you just grow accustomed to it. I hear foxes often in my early morning viewing. Fell asleep while watching a meteor shower only to wake up with that "something's watching me" feeling. Sitting on the corner of my observatory a few feet away was a large owl. Some mornings I get to listen lions growling in the distance. We have several circus families living nearby.😁
  21. Money? Cost? Doesn't money come from a tree or out of a machine?😳 On cold clear mornings you can see the glow of the intersections of the interstate highway to the North and South which are illuminated by very tall poles with sodium lamps. They stretch out for miles both directions.
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