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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Amazing! You don't give much thought to the difference in size and the distance till you see it like that! Thanks!
  2. I enjoy your animations! Thanks for the work you put in these.
  3. Makes you wonder who had them originally? Probably not the person who took them to the shop. But yes, a nice find!
  4. Welcome! You have joined an amazing group of people!
  5. Well done. Remember you were looking over hills, on Earth, so you saw eight of the nine! Yes, back in my younger days pluto was a planet, and still is in my meager mind!
  6. Excellent images! Hope you are staying warm. With it 33° here in Fla. I know you have to be a little chilly.
  7. My question is how long were your images? And how many? I took a single widefield image a couple years back that was at the most 10 seconds long and got a satellite like trail across the entire image. Now to sound crazy, as the sky rotated in another image I got the same line, but it too had changed direction angle.
  8. Thieves are becoming quite bold and determined. They hit my brother 3 times, even going to the trouble of unbolting a 20hp outboard motor off a small bolt. Their next trip they took several hundred dollars of semi size aluminum rims, and loaded very large heavy 10" well casing on his trailer, planning to return and even steal the trailer! His bedroom window is only 75' away. He finally put up signs and trail cameras. That's the last thing they took, the camera!
  9. The only time I convinced SWMBO to sit and brave the cold night to watch the meteors was for the Geminids three years ago. On the hour she was out we saw close to 100. Those nights stacks are amazing!
  10. Out at 3:40 am to add some air in a tire on the BDROSB. Finished and just stood there for a moment looking at the incredible clear sky. As a reward, a fast moving meteor left a long trail across the sky! Then off to work!
  11. I've been reading online what I can find. I know there are different opinions on both of the main characters in our push into the great beyond, but I'm still finding it hard to get on this new program whole heartedly. I thought the Orion crew cabin was going to be reusable. I was mistaken. Only certain electronics will be salvaged and used again. Now the Dragon capsule was made in a limited number with no more being made now. Because they are reused except for the heat shield. SpaceX is planning on being ready with what ever comes next when the Dragons are finished. I found it a little confusing that the reason for not reusing Orion was it splashing down! It's too difficult to assure nothing is ruined by the water landing!?
  12. Great work again Sir! We had a nice conjunction here in Florida, but Mars stayed away from the moon. Seeing was poor here as well. I could make out the equatorial bands on Jupiter which was at the zenith, but Mars for me was featureless.
  13. Great images, thanks for posting. For me when I went out it was low and to the left of the Moon. Before I went in I looked at Jupiter, the Moon and Mars. Mars was just a bright red sphere with the full moon so bright and close.
  14. This morning had clear skies with a little light fog. The moon being full and low on the horizon was incredibly orange colored and huge from the atmospheric distortion. Above it Mars was shining brilliantly. Just couldn't help but wonder, throughout time, how many have stood looking at such an incredible sight, in total awe? The amazing beauty we see in our own solar system and galaxy, I can only imagine the sights in the millions of other galaxies!
  15. Finally, something spectacular on a day off for me. Thanks for the heads up!
  16. Hate hearing your misfortune. Hope you fix it and get your scope in the dark! We have an old construction joke. Young apprentice tells his boss, Don't know what's wrong boss, I dun cut this board three times and it's still too short!
  17. Those are amazing! I really enjoy the images with the old buildings with lovely stonework!
  18. That is cool! The Lady did very well!😁
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