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maw lod qan

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Everything posted by maw lod qan

  1. Well done. I had to turn my Canon to get the to fit. The night before would have been much better for me, but!😒
  2. Last night's conjunction. I wish it was better, but at least I got a few images before they got separated and wouldn't fit on the camera. The night before was even closer, but I waited till they were to low to get them from the observatory.
  3. I've had the HA fever now and it's only grew worse as Sol grows more active. But a Lunt was out of the question for a while. Decided to put my big shark pole up for sale on Facebook and now have started getting some responses! It would get me between 50% or 75% there, and I'll never use it other than a display on the wall. I feel like Capt. Barbosa! Gents, my hope is restored!
  4. Mine was recent, and fortunately minor. Wondering what the tremendous crash was, only to find the rolloff roof for Area 51 laying in my broccoli! I had that thought,"Mama said, stupid is what stupid does!" Or would "I'm not a smart man!" Be better?
  5. Thanks for the images! Would really love to see some really strong active Arora, but to get it this far South would mean big trouble!
  6. I think it must be something in the air, or sunlight. I'm struggling with the same problem. And it doesn't help seeing all the incredible HA images posted by other members!
  7. The wind finally subsided enough I asked SWMBO to give me a hand with my roll off roof. We got it back on with very little effort. I don't think it weighed 100 lbs. And much to my relief, not a single mention of "if you don't take better care of your toys, I'm not going to let you play with them!"
  8. Amazing! The bright areas shining through the dust cloud makes me think some huge spacecraft will be coming any moment!
  9. Excellent! Seeing the Earth next to the largest is a little scary!
  10. The work I've done using aluminum flashing makes me think it would work depending on its thickness. .024 or .032 would be flexible enough to easily form to the shape of the mirror. It would not be much wider than double the mirror thickness. I think once you had it around the mirror, several wraps with what we call duct tape would keep its circular shape.
  11. That would have to be exciting! I would say that's why they are all smiling. Like in my farming days when we would hunt for Indian artifacts after a hard rain, and find something.
  12. Thanks! @Peter Drew, that's the kind of information and knowledge I was hoping for. Very understanding! Now to sell the toy I've put up on line to start gathering the funds!
  13. I might be dreaming, but I do fancy the idea ofa Lunt. I know there are many members who have them so I really would appreciate your knowledge and advice. What I'm considering is the Lunt 50mm, but as far as what all the bells and whistles do, I'm lost. No doubt the feather touch focuser is a must, but what is the difference in a 4mm or 6mm blocking filter in the diagonal? Also, what do you gain with the double stack? That's a big jump at $895.00 price add on. I would do more visual, but of course dabble in imaging. Any and all advice will be of great help, and thanks in advance.
  14. You did very well, three visible goodies in an IPhone image. It would amaze you to know what is out there in the distance, you don't see. It goes on forever!
  15. I find it amazing that someone can discover something 1 meter wide a few hours before it hits. Maybe as we get better, we just might be able to prevent something terrible from happening to a large populated area.
  16. You definitely haven't lost your touch Sir! Incredible image!
  17. Just guessing I would say we were having gusts easily into the 50mph range, if not more. The aftermath.
  18. Except for the clouds and little rain, it's been nice. So, out working in the garden. Cold front went through with no rain. I'm taking a break, wind picks up quickly. I hear a loud crash. Huh, what was that? Well stupid is as stupid does. Couple days ago I was going to try looking at the sun. Didn't anchor the roof on the observatory back down when I finished. Now the roof is laying in the garden! No damage, but will be a two man job just from its size, 8'x8'. I doubt it weighs 75 or 80 kilos! Yes really, I have learned! It rode out hurricane Ian's 140 mph tied down!
  19. Another wow! What is Sol going to be doing in another year or so as it gets to solar max?
  20. I'd would have a dislocated shoulder from patting myself on the back! Well done!
  21. The large CME that happened yesterday or the day before, has that spot started around onto the face yet?
  22. The real question would be, would you want something fast and quick? Or slow drawn out and agonizing? Either way would be bad. But with the second one you'll deal with your neighbors for a while.
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