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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. My 1st light with the C9.25 was horrible, the conditions were grim as well.
  2. Congratulations on your 1st Mercury image
  3. Set up during Tea-break (10mins), grab quick image or two if possible. Dinnertime (30mins), try and do white light full disc, couple of close ups and some H/A if possible. Then pack up everything safely for journey home. Definitely makes the commute/working day much more bearable when i get to image at work. I car share so only possible every other day (weather permitting)
  4. From the back of the car at work again. Horrible conditions, wind, cloud, rain, not sure why i even bothered to be honest. Waited 25 minutes of my 30 minute dinner break to grab 2 runs, then rush to pack up. The data looked pretty average as i captured it, but the end results are pretty decent to be honest. The usual set up, Evostar120mm, Asi174mm, x3 Barlow. Decided to leave these as just mono images rather than the usual Pseudo coloured versions.
  5. A very good start, some nice details visible there.
  6. 8 different ARs at the same time is very impressive
  7. A good start Neil, are you sure it wasn't the seeing conditions rather than the set up?
  8. Nicely done @TakMan, I think the 2nd image is a much better image all round, very nicely processed with plenty of details visible.
  9. Very nicely captured
  10. Love the inverted image look, nicely enhances the details
  11. Excellent set of images, some really nice Proms as well as the surface action.
  12. Tough conditions, but some decent details visible
  13. WOW, can not believe it has been that long Robin! Good to see you have not lost your touch, despite the issues 🙂
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