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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Looks good to me Neil, what are you experimenting with specifically Neil?
  2. Good 1st light some really details visible there
  3. Excellent images, well worth the effort
  4. Opening the image in a new tab does show the granulation much better
  5. Been wondering what the C9.25 would be like for white light imaging. So i finally "bit the bullet" and bought an A4 sheet of Baader 3.8 Solar film. Made a half decent filter, and used lots of masking tape for todays test run. The conditions were not great, but I think the set up has potential for those days of excellent seeing and large Sunspots. The preview doesn't look much, but clicking on full resolution will hopefully shows what i mean. Baader 3.8 Astro-film, C9.25, Asi290mm, x1.8 Barlow.
  6. Really nice especially for a single capture
  7. Very breezy day, nice end results despite the conditions
  8. Looks good Neil, some nice detail there.
  9. Unfortunately very cloudy here now, the active regions are in the perfect position. Nice early capture, hopefully better luck tomorrow
  10. Lots to see in the mornings at the moment Reggie 🙂
  11. You got all the reasons for it Vlaiv, I do use it in rural areas as well. I get quite few odd looks and the occasional car pulling over to ask "what are you looking at?"
  12. They look superb in both white light and H/A, so full of life!
  13. Very good Neil, some fine detail in the Penumbra especially. I think when you add the Continuum filter your images will get even better. Out of interest, do you prefer mono presentation or psuedo colour. I prefer mono myself, but I nearly always colourise to give the "aesthetic" Sun look?
  14. As requested @vlaiv @Sunshine i resent the Ford Fiesta mobile imaging observatory 🙂
  15. The longest is 120 seconds with my Evostar 120mm + X3 Barlow, mostly due to such a long FL. When the seeing is good I don't think you need too many frames . The Sun is quite dynamic, even more so in H/A
  16. Variety is the spice of life, always good to see a different perspective
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