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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Sounds promising, should be able to see Saturn in around an hour i think.
  2. A great idea for those really cold, dark, crispy, winter nights, sounds great just saying that 🙂
  3. Even though i knew the seeing was not good enough for the C9.25 i still used it today, cannot resist the lure of the Granulation that the aperture has the capability of capturing. Managed some on the centre positioned spot (3111), the new region looks very interesting as well. C9.25, 200m 3.8 Baader film filter, aasi174mm, x3 Barlow. Just mono this time, not sure it is worth colourising these.
  4. Its been a while, no idea why, just work/family and clouds i think 🙂
  5. Going out again in a little while, hopefully a little better this time. The barometer pressure was a lot higher today (1020mb) , not that that means to much 🙂
  6. I was out today as well, even though i knew the seeing was not good enough for the C9.25 i still used it 🙂 Should have used the Evostar 120mm!
  7. The new Sunspot group is very interesting, looking forward to seeing it rotate around over the coming days.
  8. Finally managed a session this season, the conditions were just as i remembered them 🙂 unfortunately. Started with a quick run on Saturn, then a couple on Jupiter before Midnight. The usual set up, C9.25, Asi224mc, X1.8 Barlow, ADC. 180 secs per run. Hopefully some better conditions over the coming weeks.
  9. A couple of good looking images there Neil, great to see a transit as well.
  10. Nice looking Jupiter, always good to see a wider view with a Moon showing.
  11. Excellent 1st light for the camera, I also finally got out last night as well/ The conditions were not the worst, but still pretty average. Not sure how close the Jet stream was, but falling low pressure (1004mb) in my experience is not usually good planetary imaging conditions.
  12. Very impressive, thanks for sharing
  13. There has been a recent launch, so a very good chance i think. They were visible in the USA i believe not long after launch, they appear "bunched up" before spreading out into much longer strings.
  14. Thanks Neil, have you done a side by side comparison
  15. Lovely animation, very smoothly put together.
  16. Good looking end result Neil, when you de-rotate does WinJupos decide how many frames are used?
  17. Very nicely captured, a fine natural looking end result.
  18. The new region looks interesting, if the clouds do clear in the next few days
  19. Absolutely fascinating, thanks for sharing, the music only adds to the drama of it all. They were pretty lucky with the clouds 🙂
  20. WOW, My little Moon image in-between those stunning images! The night i captured it was a proper comedy of errors, as i struggled to make a lens i don't normally use for astrophotography, focus on the Moon instead of the foreground. I did want some palm trees in the foreground, ended up down on the beach taking this image. Congratulations to everyone who entered, some superb images there.
  21. ðŸ˜ģðŸĪŠðŸ˜‚ no idea how that happened, only excuse i can think of is, it was early Nigella 🙂
  22. Superb image, the drizzle certainly gives it the WOW factor!
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