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Pete Presland

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Everything posted by Pete Presland

  1. Very simple Mobile phone capture of the Moon rising over Portland Bill Harbour. Looked beautiful rising through the "belt of Venus". Wish i had brought my ED80 or 300m lens for a close view. Captured with a Samsung S9 mobile phone
  2. Simply better resolution, more work definitely though.
  3. Still plenty to see, despite the conditions
  4. Very nicely captured Michael , a bit quite in white light at the moment. H/A still plenty of action
  5. A fine set of Solar images
  6. Both good looking images, the 2nd as you say slightly sharper. I wish I had my C9.25' in Weymouth, Jupiter is right over the sea, got to be a good thing surely........ 🙂
  7. Very nice image. It is certainly possible to pick up the lighter polar region, I have managed on one occasion myself. Is the orientation of your image definitely the same as the winjupos image? I asked because if you can expose a couple of moons, you can definitely be sure on the orientation of the image and position of polar region. How many frames did you capture?
  8. Considering the arc size, some very nice details visible
  9. Very nicely captured, well done on the reprocessing
  10. Lovely images, some really nice details visible there
  11. An ADC has certainly helped my images, but it is still tough down at those altitudes.
  12. Congratulations on your images, an excellent start
  13. Thanks for sharing the information, should be an interesting read
  14. Looking very good, I was watching Jupiter from my B and B window in the early hours of this morning. The imaging view looks perfect with Jupiter and Saturn both nicely positioned over the sea
  15. Might give you an idea of the distances required for focus to be achieved, also they do require a warm up period? Also are you sure the sun is definitely on the chip?
  16. Never anything boring about Sunspots, a couple years ago we weeks and weeks of no spots at all
  17. It was the best of the current cycle so far. Hopefully more to come
  18. Excellent animation, it is a superb prom
  19. Sorry deleted my response, I didn't see you were using a Quark. Unfortunately I have no experience with one. Have tried googling images of quark\scope combinations ?
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