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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Nice dedication Russ and nice to see you back imaging. I have been out observing as early some mornings, but as you say not so good on a work morning, head on desk (at home) before lunch if not careful!
  2. Stu, my initial look was followed by Coffee splutter and how the heck did he get images like that..... then I realised it was computer graphic as I scrolled down. Made me look as I am putting together a Venus Observing talk for my club at the minute, so anything Venus grabs my attention. Well it does anyway, but more so than ever at present.
  3. Wonderful. I remember my first look at The Moon, but with Binoculars with my late Dad, it was a very long time ago, but I remember the day with fondness and as if it were only yesterday. I still observe The Moon to this day as often as I can and it still fills me with awe. So glad you have now seen The Moon. I wish you a long and enjoyable journey observing, it changes each day, each cycle and just give.
  4. Very decent of you Mike to take temptation away from others, good chap 😉 Now about that 82 degree Masuyama......
  5. Very nice. Lucky you Gav. Clearly no 1 scope rules are touted in your household..... (says he with that rule touted and 3 scopes).
  6. That's a bold move Mike, it's like its cloudy outside and you cannot stop yourself!
  7. You may want a read on another forum....hmmm. https://astronomyconnect.com/forums/threads/16mm-masuyama-eps.4625/
  8. You going widefield Mike, really 😉 🤣 As a more dignified comment, I can see the appeal of these. and the price is not to steep at all. Looking online as FLO have no images of the shorter FL, very tidy looking, similar size to the ES 68 degree 16mm, but with a wider field and Masuyama from Japan of course. Go on Mike, you know you want one, don't you.......
  9. Well after more than 3 years later......... Little did I know how slippery that slope might be!
  10. I have never met a sentimental eyepiece.🤣 They have never shown any emotion in front of me, but in the case who knows 😉
  11. Glad it looks like less damage than thought and quite repairable Nigella.
  12. Great job Stu, lucky you had the other ring. That makes you realise how distorted it was with the two rings alongside each other. Great job, I am relieved for you.
  13. Sorry for another thread drift here, but firstly, enjoy the new kit Steve. My drift is folks talk of Solar Chat, what is this and where is this please?
  14. Sorry to see this, yes you have got bits missing etc. You can post on the site where you bought it about being mis-sold. But to be honest, sell it on accurately as you would and move on. Step back, look at the big picture at the minute, is it a big thing? Deep breath time I think.
  15. I think the limit for Jupiter and Saturn as they rise is the low elevation and subsequent atmospheric distortion to the view, not the kit you have used. If you look left of Saturn and lower you may still catch tiny Mars as well and make the haul 5.
  16. Missed this when posted Mike, As always very ice sketches and notes. Enjoyed looking.
  17. Mike, I think you are onto something. The wet Lettuce Leaf has failed them of late, so the hat has taken over 😉
  18. I will ponder these answers as I really want to put the dob up again, but of course now not dark anymore. But in my heart I know encouraging movement and interaction still feels wrong to me. This is because the family are Key Workers, 3 are frontline, so possibly too close to the frontline to be objective. We have all seen too much, experienced too much and seen to much utter stupidity. The comment that made me laugh as its so true was: Again, not inflammatory or designed to cause argument or offence to those who have honestly answered me question, and again, I thank you all for your input.
  19. Oh my goodness me Stu, I feel your pain here. Being Aluminium, things may straighten up with care. Of course OOUK are still with us so may be able to help.
  20. And just to show it's not a one trick Pony, with the OOUK OD6 f5 mounted. Works well standing and seated (just).
  21. In best Homer Simpsons words.....Doh!
  22. I was sad that a Tak diagonal was not in the list Jeremy. and a Tak mount to round it off, as much as I love and desire an AZ100.
  23. Ok so a while back @paulastro asked about selling scopes as we started the lockdown. I said we shouldn't at the time unless posted as interaction was not on, some agreed, some did not. Anyways, we are 8 weeks is it in and gently easing or not now. And I still have a10" Dob I wish to sell to help fund a new mount, it's too big and fragile to post, but not listing as I just don't know what to do. As my day job like others here, dealing with this crisis head on everyday, so I am not encouraging or even proposing any new action, I know the reality all too well. So as a question, not a bun fight over anything, How do we sell scopes in these New Times? Your thoughts please.
  24. You were lucky with that low cloud. Nice to see an image of what I observed myself.
  25. Yayyy, success after last nights failure. I took a walk away from the garden on open land and caught Venus and Mercury tonight in 10x50's. Very pleased as today planet tally is 5. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter to SE at 3.15 am and then Venus and Mercury tonight. Very pleased with that little haul.
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