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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Interesting, thanks for sharing> But like Stu, loudy so no looking for me,
  2. It depends on the tube you plan to use. Some are Corsa Discs, some are Escort Discs. I had plans for a 200mm tube and bought Escort discs, still have them in the garage if they are of interest.
  3. Good old Sol has been kind over the weekend to us all Nicos. I was observing in WL and the Faculae and small spots were keeping me amused. This image and others truly show what I am missing out in in Ha of course.
  4. Now don't you come back at me with a six count now 😉
  5. Just to out *Trump you @Stu, after sitting I counted 4 or perhaps 5 in total, very small. Just been out to check again and the seeing has gone off for me here. Always tomorrow of course. *as in Top Trumps, not Donald.
  6. Hi Peter, It's been visible for a couple of days, two or more small and I mean small spots within a nice snaking faulae. Started off looking like Harry Potters scar, now evolved to an S shape. I alerted some in my club, who have struggled to see anything in 80mm scopes, I am using a 100mm. The Continuum Filter and Single Polariser are the ticket to a view in my world. Alan
  7. It has been a very fine showing by Venus, I have loved the whole experience. After years of trying and looking in awe at Mikes sketches and observing, followed suit and seen detail. After all this trying I am now observing clouds on another planet, who would think that would fill an Astronomer with joy. As to the thin crescent in daylight, sadly without goto its a no go for me and later I have trees to the SW and W that will block my view now.
  8. John, imaging, well I never. That is quite some going with your phone and nice capture. I rather liked the Nasa map / image too for reference. I was looking at this area recently to.
  9. I missed the passover last night, I was out and looking. The Badgers arrived a few moments before the ISS, so they were observed and I had to stand very still. Timing as they say is everything and last night the Badgers were 40 minutes later than normal.
  10. It was rather special the other night on Lunar. Nice to get a decent sky and well placed Moon from time to time.
  11. I see an Ha set up in my future, long term, but I keep missing these things in only WL. Don't get me wrong, WL is and was great today, but I want more, sounding like Oliver now 🙂
  12. That LED is bright Jeremy, see why you need to tape over it!
  13. Thanks all, had a look in WL and very visible now, a definite spot and a nice facula or is it a plage? Whatever it is, its Solar activity to look at in WL, woo hoo.
  14. I have great seeing then goes off, very slight high clouds moving through. And it has got very damp, so the Arthritis is now complaining in my knees! But worth the pain, the Lunar Observing has been great, but in now.
  15. Reminded me to go look for Solar Chat, thanks Dave.
  16. I too was Lunar observing last night, it was a good evening and we were clearly looking at the same things. Bet that was good in a 150mm as it was outstanding in a 100mm.
  17. It is a great atlas for general use as well as Double Star work in my opinion, easier to see than the normal atlas too.
  18. Delivery person, not postie today. My new to me trial Pseudo Masuyama 12.5mm Celestron Ultima. Nice build quality, hope to test it tonight 🤞
  19. That's funny, my smelling is too awful...... 🤣 Who we need is Olly Penrice to come and correct us propper like e duz sometimz!! I was more concerned it was a Freudian comment on DeLites to be honest.
  20. Telvue Delete, that's a new one @Sweep 😉
  21. To follow on within the thread, it set me thinking and looking for eyepiece No.1 a 20mm Bresser RK (Rank Kellner / Reverse Kellner?) I found it last night, arrived with my 90mm Bresser Achromat in the 1990's. It took my breath away at the time looking at The Moon, consigned to the bits box long ago, so thought why not. Well surprisingly good, long eye relief and very sharp on axis, off well, not, but who cares this eyepiece was my first and will now be loved a little bit more. So pointed back at The Moon just before Clapping at 8pm. Oddly mounted in something a bit more exotic than the long departed Bresser, which had great glass but an awful focuser. As a PS, added 30 mins later: I in a fit of sentiment trialled the 2x barlow, it was as awful as I remember it! The 12.5 Kellner had my eyeball on the lens, The 9mm RK was ok as well. Thanks Ags for this trip down memory lane and some additional fun at the scope 👍
  22. Oh dear, an expensive direction, a liking for eyepieces and premium ones too.
  23. Hi Dale, Sorry I called you Dan. Enjoy the sky when you can.
  24. Hello and Welcome to SGL Dan. As you say, Astronomy is a great way of calming and chilling. It has helped my mental health on a number of occasions, even before 2020 came along. It certainly has in 2020. My daughters who are frontline too often want eyepiece time after difficult shifts.
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