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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. Dobson everytime, easy to use and set up, comfortable seated to use and no power etc. required. You will be set and running with a Dobson while those with mounts are still setting up similar sized scopes.
  2. Good to hear Graham, but is the field stop razor sharp to your eyes?
  3. The Pad will return to its original form plus the Khazi, so more versatile. A tripod will do the job I need for the Vixen with my alt az going forwards, as it did before, but perhaps a more solid tripod.
  4. Now that's another answer my wallet didn't wish to hear.
  5. @Don Pensack thank you, that's interesting. Sadly at 12 mm and above, I need glasses on for my astigmatism, so it is the only choice that works for me. In the DeLites I had, the field stops were sharp as were the ones in the Pentax XW. This is why I was a bit bemused on the Morpheus, being sealed adjustment is obviously not an option.
  6. In a way I do John, helps me make my mind up, my wallet does not like the sound of this though.
  7. @F15Rules, your ditty has expanded my packaging expectations, perhaps I have now wrapped this up, but I am getting board with this now. Sorry best I can do.
  8. @Moonshane, that is the very reason I was asking.
  9. JOC sorry if this is simplistic: The outer edge of the field of view is the metal field stop on a eyepiece. Some show as a sharp edge to your eye, others don't and look fuzzy. It's something that bothers you or not, sadly for me it does and takes away from the Morpheus experience. I wish it didn't as I like everything else!
  10. I have a 12.5 mm Morpheus on loan at present and with glasses it's super in my two scopes, but the field stop is not razor sharp, it has a slight fuzz to it. So at 12 mm the other option at far more 'wonga' is the Delos , (which has the 'added' feature of an undercut GRRRR), but does the field stop show as sharp? Even with such a huge price difference, I might just consider a Delos as an option.
  11. @merlin100, I think you must take pictures of empty boxes to follow the trend here 😉
  12. OK, the next instalment. After much thought and pain the decision is........ The pier ties me down too much and as visual only and manual mounts etc. I wish to move as well as use the x marks the spot where a pier presently resides. So a virtually brand new (well < 3 months) old pier will be needing a new home. Does the 2/3 price apply here? Mrs W is now resolved to the change of plan and the enormity of my folly. I am sure I will be reminded of this going forwards 😆
  13. Is it cloudy again? and have you all been taking your meds? 🤣 You have to love this place, nice thread @F15Rules.
  14. So has anyone fitted a 2" Baader click-lock to the OOUK OC1 focuser? Older picture, but just to show focuser.
  15. A look last night, much dimmer I feel now. But spotted naked eye and super in the Olympus 10x 50's.
  16. I don't see your problem here Nigella, plenty of time to get some practice in 😉 🤣
  17. Neowise has caused quite a stir and quite rightly so. It has fired up folks to get out and observe in my astro club, which is most heartening as the clubs Observing Director. Hale Bopp got me fired up and Astro focused fully from then on, although a Moon looker before that. I hope Neowise does the same and feeds in new blood to the observing side as well as more imaging of course, but I am observing biased as that’s what I do. Good luck on no cloud again to those who have not seen this fine sight as of yet.
  18. Or that they have eyes that adapt quickly to the dark either.
  19. Sadly the pad made bigger, moves closer to obstructions and reduces visible sky. As to young, nope both sides moved to my lovely dark location to start ready for retiring and hate the dark, clearly to afford such houses one wonders what they did to earn the money and need high fences, high security and about a billion spot lights each. Funny enough we refer to the 16 on the drive as The Runway.
  20. Rusted, no not missed the Dobson staying, was nearly sold to help fund a mount for the pier. Dobson is an oouk 10 and it and the mount light enough to not need a trolley to move it, one of the reasons I bought it in the first place to be honest. Move around is not possible in the garden as a whole as the pad and patio only flat bits, the front garden is sometimes used for rising planets, but badly light polluted at times, try 16 spots on one driveway for starters! The pad is about 2.5 m x 2.5m and the pier sits dead in middle, makes using the dob near on impossible without falling off the pad or hitting the pier. The pad is the spot for most observing and fenced and hedged to block light pollution from multiple spot lights each side of me, that’s an old story and the pad the solution to home observing. The point of my updating the build is to show others points to consider fully.
  21. @mikeDnight that was where this all started, and the bigger mount needed was what set the whole sell up off, so simple answer no. The Dobson mount in my view is great through its crudeness and simplicity. As to undercuts, well Mr Nagler junior was not interested in customer feedback just extolled the virtues of undercuts and plain told me I was wrong......nice one Mr N, you lost a customer going forwards and bar one eyepiece the name TeleVue no longer features with me and that might be gone soon as well. As to the Observing Area, in itself its a peach and works well, what I got wrong was thinking of one scope type only, not two and put the pier in, I now realise a 150 - 250 mm refractor is way beyond me and a Newtonian works for me and my budget. Hard won lesson. I wonder if I can get someone to swap my under 3 month old Pulsar Pier for a Berlebach Tripod?
  22. I too have trawled the used sections and retailer websites and fallen into the pit of spending and constant change, this has been a heck of a journey, but also quite some learning curve. I know what kit I like, how I like to use it and what bothers the heck out of me as well. Did I get pleasure spending, NO, but I am at heart tight and don’t enjoy spending, but that’s driven from my upbringing where every penny counted and in a way Oddly still does. So in answer to Brian’s question it is yes and no, pleasure from use, pain from spending.
  23. Good to see education working so well for us both Mike 😂 On the move of pier, only if I dig up the foundation sadly. I have to say whatever possessed me to wish to lose the Dob! The views with the bigger aperture on DSO were great and cannot be provided by the 4” however hard I try. These scopes compliment one-another not compete. Such a shame it’s taken this journey, but sometimes you cannot reach a destination without an arduous journey. Oddly it’s even taught me about my eyesight, eyepieces other than TeleVue and how much I truly dislike undercuts.
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