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Alan White

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Everything posted by Alan White

  1. I think our moment has now passed. I just beat the weather this morning and had a look see. The three spots have divided to four and two much smaller spots had developed under. If I had been 15 minutes later, it would have been clouded out. I think I am just getting your weather blown over me now Stu, thanks
  2. So just had a quick set up before the rain arrives. WL on Sol. Evolved from a definite 3 with a perhaps 4 spots going on yesterday. To a definite 4, one of the smaller 3 has split. Also 2 smaller arrivals lower. Grab a look if you can,very windy here though.
  3. I would like dual saddles, but as the dual saddle type, perhaps one at first, then another.
  4. Twice with the same counterweight bar, Astronomy got interesting. Stood up from swapping eyepieces in box under tripod, bald patch straight up into counterweight arm and weight, I saw stars and cut my head. But didn't learn.... Setting up scope on Giro Ercole, swung the scope, but nelt down, counterweight arm swung round and smacked me in the side of my head, right next to my eye. Bumped head, broken readers and very upset with myself for being so stupid. So yes Magnus, it is dangerous.
  5. Evening All My quest towards the much coveted AZ100 is nearing completion, subject to a few more sell off's. I am sure many of you have seen my many adverts. So from the gang of owners, who has the Non-Encoder version and who has the Encoder version? And why did you do that please? I am torn between a non-encoder and going all bells and whistles, its aim is to be a lifetime mount going forwards. Also the notable extra cost, which is most justified by the way is swerving my mind on this.
  6. So charged out between clouds and showers, set up fast and some WL on Sol. Wow, it really is 3 or perhaps 4 spots going on, so glad I managed a look rather than proper observe. Lunt Wedge, Continuum Filter. Nice in the 12.5mm Ultima, bit over egged in the 5mm Tak LE (it had to be done). 🙂🙂
  7. I have had a very special delivery today; So happy with these two, words fail me. The fast emptied case now has some very special arrivals, thank you to the sender 👍
  8. Somehow Green is now my natural colour, must be got used to the filter now. I was not quick enough between work calls, meeting on Teams and the showers.
  9. Wow, you got to see the sun Dave, nice one, thanks for sharing. I hope you are ok, but I share your images with my Astronomy Club to encourage observing. I am noting the images are yours of course.
  10. Fully agree with that, the S&T sits with my eyepieces and is dog eared and worn, much loved. Understand what you say on Turn Left being a big book, but just use it anyway, if it gets worn and torn does it really matter?
  11. Yep, typical timing Charl, bet your back up and running as well! As Pete says, hopefully still around after this weather passes through. But the rain is needed I have to say with my gardening hat on.
  12. Either BCO is a no go with glasses, the eye relief is too shallow. They would be fine with contacts. The 10mm is more comfortable to use, I felt like my eyeball was welded to the 6mm's eyelens. As Ed says above, a barlow is a good option as is a mid priced eyepiece.
  13. How many trainspotters in a mack and use a telescope have you seen? 😉
  14. No, you are not alone, I thought the same.
  15. Interesting that the Tak is being sidelined by the Vixen FL.
  16. That made me chuckle...... but it's not just WLers that those weather Gods despise.
  17. Now that's a propper job John. Very nice indeed. Clear skies soon for the first light and report 🤞
  18. Just a wafffer thin Mint Mr Creosote? or Mr Stu 🤣
  19. Now @Stu, four or is it 5 or more and growing? They clearly are not enough, any astronomer can see this. It must be you having those four eyes after all, do you have a row at the back as well that you don't mention 😉
  20. That very same question has crossed my mind as well. So look forward to the replies.
  21. Interesting comparison. The picture look to show 3 scopes though, have I missed something? Nice 3 scopes if they are, all classic and Japan made kit. As others have said, you are a lucky chap to have them.
  22. Hello and welcome. Questions are good, a million may overwhelm us though 😉 No silly questions exist, if you don't know, you don't know, so ask away.
  23. Same here, and I would add that in daylight you will not see it. Go into a dark room, then try it, probably just night dim that does not show in daylight. And check your batteries, they also give similar control issues as voltage drops on my Telrad, just becuase they are new does not mean they are fresh and full.
  24. I think it is a mixture of inexperience and the tight eye relief, when I started I had similar eyepieces and struggled, bought differing designs and was ok until I found I was observing more than just looking..... then I learned to use short eye relief eyepieces and enjoy them very much indeed. Its a journey, no simple single one but an ongoing one, learning every time.
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