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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. breathtaking prom mate. charl.
  2. cracker MG, love it. charl.
  3. wonderfull story, ive got to take my hat off to lunt for that great service. charl.
  4. Happy Dads Day all, I hope my kids will bring me some clear.  charl.

    1. emadmoussa


      Yep,  my 6-year-old daughter called me stupid today. Happy Father's Day!!! ;) 

    2. xtreemchaos


      lol there lovely at that age, back in march my daughter dropped the I want a deposit for here new house , it still hurts now and it will for the next few years? charl.

  5. Wow GA, i love those animations mate, the mosaics a cracker too, i hope to do animations like that one day, thay show the true dynamic action at its best. thanks for posting. charl.
  6. my 3tb HD has died, there will be a minute of reflection at midday to ponder the 9 years of service its give me before it gos to sillicone heaven :help:. charl.

    1. pipnina


      I hope it didn't take any files with it.

    2. xtreemchaos


      thanks Pip, ive everything backed up mate luckery , and my new one is on its way, thay have come down in price £75, i think the lasttime i brought one it was about £150 so that put a smile on my face. clear skys, charl.

    3. David Smith

      David Smith

      9 years is not a bad outing. And you get to have hours of fun trying to get your laptop up and running again :rolleyes2:

  7. Darn weather, theres a lovely prom at the 7 oclock pos. ive been trying but its beaten me, hope somebody catches it ... charl.

    1. pipnina


      The clouds look to taunt me for at least a few days now according to the forecast. Maybe if I'm lucky I will get something on saturday...

    2. xtreemchaos


      me too, i might get a chance of some solar tomorrow morrning but the nights have just been right- offs, hope you get some clear soon. charl.

    3. pipnina


      I hope your clear skies come with haste as well!

  8. wow just had a earthqwake here is south wales, it nearly chucked me outa my chair, its the biggist ive ever felt in the uk. no damage I can see, did anyone else feel it. charl

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Marky1973


      Just the last thing I thought it would be....kids are angry because they missed it as they are physically incapable of being quiet! ?

    3. Stub Mandrel

      Stub Mandrel

      My daughter rang me up afterwards to tell me about it - she's in Cardiff.

    4. MarsG76


      I had no idea that the UK was on a fault line???


  9. I had a rose wood one handmade , it would take 6 ep a 2inch wedge and barlow, I sold it together with my badder hype set like a fool, there nothing like the look of some nice eps in a nicely made wooden case, it makes them pleasing to the eye and rounded if you know what I mean. charl.
  10. I didn't say it would, its down to how you image, I'm just sticking up for the colour cam and how can get great results from one if you know whats the best settings and in no way saying its better than a asi120mm mono, my mono cam at the time was a qhyv5.
  11. try it, it will not hurt. as I said I agree mono is best charl.
  12. I agree mono is best, but I use a colour because 1. I didn't have a mono cam to start with, 2. there cheaper , 3 after using both types I find the colour you can turn the red channel up when seeing isn't so good and grab more detail than my mono under the conditions. but remember I'm strange . charl.
  13. yes. asi120mm or mc, qhy5ii, theres many more cams but there the ones I use. charl.
  14. thanks MG, your so very kind mate. 222, at the beginning of 2017 I didn't think Id hit 100 with the weather, I was chasing 238 from 2016 so ended up 18 behind so I'm very happy. clear skys. charl.
  15. thanks John, that sounds about right mate, the proms do look alike and its a better date than ive got. great shot, much better than mine. charl.
  16. thanks John. those are some amazing full discs mate, well done. I must try harder with colour, I never seam to get it right, usally turning out the wrong shade. clear skys, thanks for sharing. charl.
  17. Heres a few of mine to get us started. 2017 was a big year for me, I got my quark in feb and have had a great time using it, it was a real eye opener. hope you all had a great year, my score was 222 imaging days. thanks for looking. clear skys, charl. 1-4-17. 2-4-17 22-4-17 23-5-17 1-6-17 9-7-17 12-7-17 9-10-17 25-10-17 I seam to of lost the date for this one. 25-10-17, thanks john.
  18. Please add your fav Solar Images from 2017. seasoned or new to the hobby all are welcome to build up Sols story for 2017. Drawings would be good too or anything what gives us a true picture of the year. thanks for your data. clear skys . charl.
  19. id go for the lunt mate, but take no notice of me because I'm Quarkers . goodluck, charl.
  20. cracking image Gav, it was deff hidden from me until you showed us this pic. well done. charl.
  21. "Weather Alert " there is a danger of it being sunny tomorrow,  all solarist be ready and on high alert just in case. please join with me willing so sunspots. message ends .charl.


    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Looks promising from about lunch time here. Fingers crossed!

    2. xtreemchaos


      rain and cloud here so far today mate, but on GONG it looks very quiet. hope you have sun. charl.

  22. Boy the winds getting up here in south wales. I'm having trouble keeping the window open while trying to get some sol shots. its not very blue up there but there is the odd gap. charl.

  23. I'm sat waiting for the full moon to rise

    look I'm armed and dangerous.


    bit of cloud here but looks to be some big gaps

    hope you all have clear, charl.


  24. Aircraft in flight, or the most stuff you can get on a mount and it still work or best phone pic through a scope. but the best with unmodded cam sounds good what nige said. oh heres another one best image through cloud we have plenty of chances than. charl.
  25. I accept the mission, and look forward to seeing all the images. thanks, charl.
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