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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. thanks MG, yes mate very quiet, I had a look thismorrning and no proms at all. clear skys. charl.
  2. great image mate, well done, im looking forward to seeing your next. charl.
  3. 2 faint prom shots, seeings very hazey here in south wales so thay may be a bit brighter where you are. ive been slacking just lately ill have to pull me finger out and try harder. kit starwave 102 f11, quark, asi120mc. hope you all have clear, thanks for looking. charl. proms near top. proms upper off going limb.
  4. as a rule no but sometimes you can see pale shades like you get with the great Orion nebula, if you want stunning colour you have to get into imaging and staxing but that's a dark art 😀. charl.
  5. great shots David, very quiet still mate. well done for catching that small spot. charl.
  6. great prom shot. ive done it myself before the thing is learning from it "I havnt" I manage to do 1 silly thing a year 😀.. charl.
  7. good catch mate, its very quiet again 😞 but at least its cooler today. well done. charl.
  8. thats hardcore mate ive got to have a few hours sleep or i get crankie 😀.
  9. thanks Steve, same here id didnt hit the sack untill 3am the night before , i nearly missed it myself mate. charl.
  10. thanks David, I just got lucky mate, i got up late through being up late the night before "hoping jupiters seeing would improve" and i was only 10min away from the darn window frame. hope you had better luck today cloud here all day. charl.
  11. Great shots Steve, permacloud here all day today but hot as behellsabobs armpits. charl.
  12. that would do me Dave, i like returning activity. charl.
  13. thanks Pete, heres hoping mate. clear skys. charl.
  14. well done mate, lovely scope. charl.
  15. your welcome Peter, i think i just got lucky mate, hope theres something where it was ready to move onto the limb. charl.
  16. thanks Dave, i was glad to knock the dust off my quark mate, sorry you missed it "darn clouds" boy its hot here today. charl.
  17. yes its going to be a bain to us astronomers, more so for imagers, these will be closer and maybe brighter than most , im not looking forward to them we have enough up there allready. charl.
  18. good disc mate, sorry you missed the prom. charl.
  19. thanks Gav, id just about run outa range by the time i got a few vids mate by 9.45 ive the window frame in shot. at this time of year ive about hour at the most plus the suns a lot higher this year which cuts the time down. thanks for the link. charl.
  20. thanks Nigella. deff worth a look mate make sure you have some sunblock on the heat is nasty . charl.
  21. thanks Micheal, lovely and clear here but its hot mind numbing hot mate. hope it clears with you . charl.
  22. at last something to image, a nice prom on the mid oncoming limb well worth a look if you get chance. kit ar127l "old faithfull" quark asi120mc. seeings not bad, it was terrible last night while trying to image Jupiter. thanks for looking. clear skys. charl.
  23. well done Steve, the seeing was pants here last night. charl.
  24. ive got it on my imaging rig and laptop with no problems "touch wood" but it isnt avaliable for my gaming VR rig which is running LTSC.
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