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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. Aircraft in flight, or the most stuff you can get on a mount and it still work or best phone pic through a scope. but the best with unmodded cam sounds good what nige said. oh heres another one best image through cloud we have plenty of chances than. charl.
  2. I accept the mission, and look forward to seeing all the images. thanks, charl.
  3. had a bit of a upgrade, added a starwave 102 classic f11 for Whitelight, I'm well impressed with it. its quite a nice little scope. so kit- ed80, quark chromosphere, asi120mc for HA and proms. Starwave 102, lunt wedge, 1200d for Whitelight. hope you all have clear. charl.
  4. I warm my one up, its better for shooting cloud that way sorry its cloudy and I'm at my witts end. I do use a 1200d , and have wonder if it would be worth modding,would it be any betterthan my modded 1000d, it takes a nice pic without showing a bit of fair HA. charl.
  5. we have sun after 3 long days, hope it last to tomorrow, might get some luna later "fingers crossed". hope you have clear. charl.

  6. xtreemchaos


  7. From the album: 2017

    taken with ed80, quark chromo,asi120mc. 600 frames, thanks for looking, clear skys. charl.
  8. From the album: 2017

    Taken with ed80, quark ,asi120mc, coloured in photoshop. thanks for looking, clear skys. charl.
  9. From the album: 2017

    taken with ed80, quark, asi120mc. 600 frames staxed with AS2, adjusted in photoshop, with a 3% bend in topaz glow 2. thanks for looking, and i hope you have clear skys. charl.
  10. From the album: 2017

    taken with ed80, quark, asi120mc. very good seeing. thanks for looking, clear skys charl.
  11. the suns flat too, theres pics to prove it honist... god !
  12. that's not a bottle, its the hubble optic telescope .. charl.
  13. yes its the cats conspiracy, we all know its a triangle really . charl.
  14. don't you just hate waiting for it to get dark.


    ive no plan, just getting to know my modded 1000d I got earlier in the year , lovely and clear at the mo, hope you all have clear. charl.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pig


      I don't remember it taking so long to get dark or being as cloudy before I started this hobby ?

    3. xtreemchaos


      thanks Shaun, it was still not dark enough to get 20sec subs at 12 oclock ,it was 1am before I could go over a minute, ill be glad when its October and we can start at 9pm, I'm a bit worried at keeping the nextdoor nabours up with the noise of the rig and shutter, its not loud but at 2am you can hear a mouse let wind.

      hope you have clear. charl.

    4. Pig


      LoL Charl, I know what your saying, my first goto seemed silent until time passed into the early hours, then all of a sudden it sounded alarmingly loud..... but I am sure it's all in our minds and no one can hear them ?

  15. I would think anyone that opens fully, i do 99% of my imaging and vis from a indoor obsyroom due to a illness, i have no heating in there, there are advantages from shooting from indoors ie your allways set up, and you don't have to worry about your kit and afterall all the best telescopes around the world are indoors in there obsys "on top of volcanoes" the main problem with doing it from upstairs is floor movement and if somebody slams a door halfway through a sub. good luck .charl.
  16. Well MG, More water means more vapour means more cloud, well be cooking in our own gravey soon enough .. charl.
  17. A trillion ton of fresh water fell into the sea, its got to have a affect, its staggering the size, very worrying. thanks for bringing it up. charl.
  18. some cracking shots there Pete, there all amazing, but I extra like the prom shot mate, but that double barlow shot is a cracker too. thanks , charl.
  19. ill get to work then, loads of time to find a nice shot, I'm mean it carnt be cloudy for the whole 3 months can it . charl.
  20. guess what "what" clear forecast for tomorrow here is South Wales, dare i believe them ? i hoping. hope you all have clear. charl.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. orion25


      Beautiful waxing gibbous. I hope you get some cracking images tonight.  

      Clear skies, Reggie

    3. xtreemchaos


      its looking good mate , bit of cloud here, heres a single frame I got earlier, hoping it will pass before it gets dark.  charl.


    4. orion25


      Mystical, mate.

  21. great shots Ian, glad you beat the cloud, i didn't, it was 100% here all day, Dont feel like i really missed it with all the good pics and vids on here. well done . thanks . charl.
  22. great merc transit vid Steve , i watched it a few times, i was clouded out on the day. well donr , thanks . charl.
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