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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. agreed mate, the view through the eyepeice is mindblowing even with ed80, I'm so glad I was able to get one, there deff value for money. charl.
  2. thanks Brantuk, your so kind mate, its the quark that dos the biggist part of the work, what a wonderfull piece of kit it is, its so easy to use. thanks again , charl.
  3. thanks shane, I'm still very hit or miss with the processing, but I think I'm moving forward, everything ive learned ive learned off all you guys on here. I really wish id started imaging earlier in my life. thanks for your kind words it means the world to me.. charl.
  4. From the album: 2017

    450 frames staxed with AS2 adjusted in photoshop and topaz- clarity, detail, denoise, glow.
  5. the full moons looking very nice tonight 99.9 % at the mo, get a look if you can its too good to miss.  clear skys all. charl.

    1. orion25


      Clear skies for me tonight. No excuses, lol!


    2. xtreemchaos


      thanks Reggie, I had a few pics of 100% and the clouded out for about 11.30pm, hope you got some good views. charl.

  6. just seen the forcast for tomorrow guys and its looking good, for once I hope there right, Friday was the lasttime I seen Sol, I'm getting desperate.  fingers crossed. charl.

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Yeah, just in time for me to go back to work!

    2. xtreemchaos


      you might catch it early mate, its ment to clear 8pm tonght and last allnight and day, so thay say, flatearthers have as much chance of being right :icon_biggrin:. charl.

  7. starting to clear here tonight, wonder if we will get as good seeing as lastnight with Jupiter ? hope so, should know soon. clear skys..

    1. xtreemchaos


      21.30 seeings poor :hmh:...

    2. Knighty2112


      Sleet and hail showers here mate. Very winter! Was out last night for an hour but it was too blooming cold to stay out even though the skies were good. Brrrrrrrrr! 

    3. xtreemchaos


      glad you had some good seeing, the seeing was bad today when shooting sol, must be the Jetstream back again, hope we have clear tonight. charl.

  8. ive just seen the forcast for the weekend and guess what ?, yes cloud , cloud and followed by more cloud, just carnt see the clear at the end of the tunnel at the mo, hope we get some clear soon, I'm running outa thing to post about. hope you have some clear .. charl.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      that's good mate, heres a shot through my obsyroom window, that's not a dust bunny its some mark on the window. charl.


    3. Knighty2112


       Nice view Charl down there in Wales. :) 

    4. xtreemchaos


      thanks Gus, yer it is a nice view mate, better at night when its clear with the milkyway straight overhead its stunning and black as behellsabobs arm pits, when I first moved here over 20 years ago it was like id found heaven . charl/

  9. well the forcast was wrong 50/50 here thismorrning, got HA cooking, but sols blank in WL,  hope you all have clear. charl. 

    1. Knighty2112


      Thanks Charl. Won't bother dragging out the scope to have a look with the wedge then mate. Cheers! 

      Hoping for some clear skies tonight if possible. Fingers crossed! :) 

    2. xtreemchaos


      thanks Gus, its clouded out here now mate, glad I got up early, there wasn't a lot going on in HA, just the one small AR with no spots visable, theres a nice long prom on the on coming limb. Tminus 30 min until I post my pics. charl.

  10. oh i do like a nice bresser, f13 too, carnt wait for your 1st light report. well done mate, charl, ps i know where all this cloud has come from ..
  11. great shot Furrysocks, showing good detail mate. well done. charl.
  12. great shots Les, I missed the transit of mercury due to spitefull clouds, the monster spot looks very good too mate. thanks, charl.
  13. great shot Jeof, nice close up detail mate. have to have a go at a high mag one myself, I like the way thay look. thanks , charl.
  14. Wow Luc, its like being there mate, outstanding detail. don't think ive ever seen one that close.. well done, thanks, charl.
  15. thanks Iain, ill give you best today as a few vids deff out trump a single frame. clear skys, charl.
  16. thanks Dave, yes mate I consider myself lucky to get that frame, it was raining when I took it, it stopped now but still no breaks in the cloud. clear skys, charl.
  17. thanks John "laudropb", its been dismal here, hope we get better tomorrow. charl.
  18. thanks John, yer mate I hoping for better skys tomorrow, the soothsayer say its going to be part clear but thay have lied before . clear skys . charl.
  19. I know what you mean mate, I too was worried about getting one off daystar, but I got a 3 week trial off a friend who had just got a brand new one off daystar, and he ended up selling it to me at a good price which saved me loads of money, I got it near half price and no import tax. yer I use mine with a 120mm f5 I also use a ERF screwed into my wedge and a 50% reducer on my cam to give me a nice size image, I find the 4x barlow built into the quark can be a little too much mag when the seeing isn't too good. charl.
  20. great Discs John, wedge +scope+john=cracking pics. well done mate. charl.
  21. WOW double wow, me liking them a lot mate, well done no double well done, cracking detailed shots John. thanks, charl.
  22. thanks Dave, the soothsayers say you have a good chance of getting some clear your way later. had the quark warmed up but was a waste of time, too much cloud, it don't cut through the thin bits like the WLwedge. hoping for better skys tomorrow. charl.
  23. thanks Gus, deff worth a look mate, hope you get some clear mate. charl.
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