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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. on a totally different note ive been getting small shocks off my heq5 mount and finally fixed it today it was the 2 into one plug adapter at the wall the earth wasn't working sorry i had to tell someone because im chuffed i got to the bottom of even that it took six months to do something about it, well its not very often i touch the mount as i just turn it on and do everything via the pc 😀. charl.
  2. yes it would work providing you can get focus ok" which you should be able to", but seeing none of us has tryed one you would be the cutting edge tester . you could allways email daystar to get it from the horses mouth or visit the forum but the forum is like being on the the slow boat to china. charl.
  3. what i think it comes down to is thay recommend between f4 to f9 to maybe play it safe but in practice us solarist like to push the boundreys and still be safe, so what im saying is as far as f numbers go its a suck it n see thingy with out going too crazy if you get my drift. that 80mm AA scope would work well, the scope you planning to use would work well "as Stu says"but if your wanting close ups using as little glass as possable a longer f would be a advantage and that what the quark dos best in my view. but im strange my mother told me 😀. charl.
  4. thanks Stu, i carnt discount a 60mm mate, i can only comment on my own kit. id love to try a 60mm getting a full disc would be good to have, i have one on my shopping list as soon as my funds allow "or the misses wants to be good to me"😀. im fancing one of Altair Astro ones. charl.
  5. just to show the diff in a f5 and a f11.5 . shot a day apart but the seeing was about the same not the greatist of shots but it shows the difference f5. f11.5
  6. i use f5 to f11.5 Stu, and the higher F wins every time mate aslong as ive got the seeing but when the seeings pants the ed80 works well i think its about a f7.5. charl.
  7. yes it would work, but the aperture is only 60mm which is a tad counter productive to the quark but saying that ive never try one and wouldnt know for sure untill i do. charl. p.s a friend of mine in the states Lowjiber has i think use his with small 60mm scope not a tak and had good results if you would like to send him a message he prob knows a bit more than me
  8. i agree with Dave , the taks a lovely little scope but it would be counter productive with the quark which plays best at hi mag. a simple f8-f12 100mm doublet would get best over all . charl.
  9. Mr Blue SKY. stunning skys here in south wales, goodluck guys. 

  10. fighting fit again but nothing to do, skys are like Venus, ive watched so many old sky@night eps my eyes hurt. come on weather give us a chance please !.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      thanks David, ill keep my fingers crossed for the weekend, there was a bit of clear at 8am but by the time id powered on i missed my chance.

    3. Hughsie


      Glad to hear all well. I’m just about ready to get back to the light side now the Sun is rising above the houses near me (yep, I live in a hole!).  Looking forward to sharing images again with everyone.

      Keep looking on the bright side.


    4. xtreemchaos


      thanks John, glad sols back in range for you, i have a range thingy here in meidrim , six hours at the winter solsist and 1.5 hours in the summer and anywhere inbetween the rest of the days but luckerly a chance everyday cloud permiting. i look forward to you images. clear skys. charl.

  11. there very respectable shots with a phone well done and welcome to the quarkers club leave all sanity at the door ? . charl.
  12. nice mount but the price is up there too far for most mortals to reach when theres loads of other cheaper mounts to have.charl.
  13. gooood, im looking forward to seeing some cracking images. charl.
  14. "Mr Blue Sky ", Wall to wall sunshine, no a cloud in the Sky and the seeing wonderfull what more could we need + the first pic of a blackhole, Today is a Day of Days. by jupiter its good to be alive !.  

    1. xtreemchaos


      spoke to soon clouded out by 10am.?......

  15. id be happy with any 4 inch +f10 ish frac aslong as it had a good focuser, it dont have to be ED . charl.
  16. would you believe it a day of blue sky and nothing happen on sol, someones having a laugh ....

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Yep, waited all week for clear skies!

    2. SIDO


      Yep totally believe it ?

    3. xtreemchaos


      thanks guys, theres a few small proms today but im fighting cloud, sods law.  clear skys . charl.

  17. great transit Roadrunr. well done. charl.
  18. you get as much as you would ever need from a Quark, but i would advise getting a look through a setup before buying if you have a club near. with a 150 mm you would also need a front mounted ERF. charl.
  19. i have a sore head with banging it against a brick wall, has anybody got any rubber wallpaper ? ?..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      ive done all the odd jobs about the house even built a new vr rig , ive nothing to do now I mean you can only watch so much tv.

      2700x + 2x 8gb rx580s.



    3. David Smith

      David Smith

      That's a serious piece of kit! Back to looking for rubber wallpaper then. I picked up a copy of Astronomy Now yesterday so have been reading about all the stuff that will be clouded out in 2019 :grin:

    4. xtreemchaos


      thanks David, its a bit over cull but I shouldn't have to upgrade for a few years, gpus are very cheap at the mo, I got the 2 rx580s for £280 s/h, last year you couldn't find them for £500 each with the bitcoin miners grabbing them all. wishing you clear charl.

  20. Happy New Year everybody !

    and I hope you all join me in wishing some clear sky.

    all the best . charl, Shirley and Smegul +kids..?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      thanks Reggie, have a very happy clear new year to you and family. charl.

    3. MarsG76


      Happy new year Charl...

    4. xtreemchaos


      have a great new year MG.. charl.

  21. Merry Christmas everybody !.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pig


      Merry Christmas Charl ?

    3. orion25


      Nadolig Llawen, Charl! ;) 


    4. xtreemchaos
  22. d, darn weather im sick of it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      I know pip its terrible, I keep checking the forcast hoping for some high press but it isn't coming yet, its been the slowest begining of the winter season for a long time. heres hoping for a change. charl.

    3. pipnina


      Our patience will be worth it when we get to point our scopes to orion and andromeda again.

    4. xtreemchaos


      yes im champing a the bit too, here a single I got a few days ago through a short gap. charl.



  23. ive gota sister who works for the gasboard, wanna meter ? ?, my job takes some beating I'm a wild welch telescope hearder ?. charl.
  24. darn Weather, what have I done to deserve this, ive nothing to do, ive square eyes from watching too much TV dribble. its my kinda Hell ???charl..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. David Smith

      David Smith

      Yep, Sunday looks vaguely promising here too. Fingers crossed.

    3. Hughsie


      Charl, I think for Christmas I will buy you a walking stick. Then you can shake it at those infernal clouds!

    4. xtreemchaos


      I shake morethan a walking stick at the evil stuff, its a wonder thay havnt a complex or maybe it do that could be the problem ?... charl.

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