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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. Wow Luc, its like being there mate, outstanding detail. don't think ive ever seen one that close.. well done, thanks, charl.
  2. thanks Iain, ill give you best today as a few vids deff out trump a single frame. clear skys, charl.
  3. thanks Dave, yes mate I consider myself lucky to get that frame, it was raining when I took it, it stopped now but still no breaks in the cloud. clear skys, charl.
  4. thanks John "laudropb", its been dismal here, hope we get better tomorrow. charl.
  5. thanks John, yer mate I hoping for better skys tomorrow, the soothsayer say its going to be part clear but thay have lied before . clear skys . charl.
  6. I know what you mean mate, I too was worried about getting one off daystar, but I got a 3 week trial off a friend who had just got a brand new one off daystar, and he ended up selling it to me at a good price which saved me loads of money, I got it near half price and no import tax. yer I use mine with a 120mm f5 I also use a ERF screwed into my wedge and a 50% reducer on my cam to give me a nice size image, I find the 4x barlow built into the quark can be a little too much mag when the seeing isn't too good. charl.
  7. great Discs John, wedge +scope+john=cracking pics. well done mate. charl.
  8. WOW double wow, me liking them a lot mate, well done no double well done, cracking detailed shots John. thanks, charl.
  9. thanks Dave, the soothsayers say you have a good chance of getting some clear your way later. had the quark warmed up but was a waste of time, too much cloud, it don't cut through the thin bits like the WLwedge. hoping for better skys tomorrow. charl.
  10. thanks Gus, deff worth a look mate, hope you get some clear mate. charl.
  11. qwick single frame shot through the dismal cloud just to show I'm still paying attention."Iains pinched my sun" the close up is just a crop. kit 120mm f5 frac, lunt wedge, 1200d. thanks for looking, clear skys, charl. full crop
  12. thanks Rhushikesh, you wont regret getting a Quark mate, amazing bit of kit which gives me the freedom to use with all my doublet Acro fracs, F5, F7.5, F9.5 and there so easy to use. clear skys, charl.
  13. very nice setup Stu, looks like a lovely sunny day too, ive got a bit of a drool going on with seeing that tak ..charl.
  14. its just above Quote in the post above and heres a link mate https://www.flickr.com/photos/145341970@N07/. charl.
  15. thanks Shane and Space boy lol, if ya want a look mate check out my flickr page in sig, I'm still sorting my album out on here will be updating soon. charl
  16. had a bit of a upgrade since my earlier pics, I now have a Quark chromo, so didn't get a lunt afterall but who knows what tomorrow brings... clear skys all. charl.
  17. I get 5 days of sun then cloud, cloud, cloud, first the weather lifts you up then drops you right back down again. what makes it worse is all that action going on on sol, think I might get a hair transplant so I can pull it out. please join with me in willing some better skys.  charl.

    1. Knighty2112


      This is were the British stiff upper lip needs to come into play Charl! ;) 

    2. xtreemchaos


      we don't have any of those in wales, just leaks:icon_biggrin:, its bad for me bank account this weather makes it hard not to buy stuff to take my mind off it. heres hoping for better skys, charl.

    3. Knighty2112


      Yeah, I tend to buy more Astro stuff when the weather is poor too Charl. A habit I keep meaning to break! ;) 

  18. that's a great shot Michael, loads of fine detail mate, what scope and camera did you use ?. thanks ,charl.
  19. thanks Mate, it is a very active AR and growing by the hour.clear skys, charl.
  20. From the album: 2017

    kit ED80, ERF, Quark chromo, asi120mc. great seeing....
  21. xtreemchaos

    prom 25-3-17

    From the album: 2017

  22. great shot of Copernicus Vox, that's got detail no one else is showing, what faze is it at . thanks. charl.
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