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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. well done David, same old cloud here. charl.
  2. great shot Gus, cracking single frame mate. still permacloud here. charl.
  3. thanks Ruud, im quite chuffed how thay turned out I havnt used the f5 for a long time. charl.
  4. thanks Gus, darn weather been terrible this year mate, hope you have had better up north. charl.
  5. qwick moon just to knock the dust of my scope im glad to catch anything at the moment with the permacloud. kit st120 f5, 100d. wishing you all clear, thanks for looking. charl. dusk. bit later.
  6. hes already tried it condension was the problem , proper water coolings the next step but not using water, the stuff hes going to use has a name im not even going to try and spell with my word blindness but its 30 times better at conducting heat than water 😀😀
  7. in WL i find a ND moon filter works wonders with detail of spots it adds to the contrast, im not really into the mechanics im really just here to see the sights and the sheer mightyness of sol even tho i ive picked a bit of the science a long the way im not one to get overloaded with it 😀 charl.
  8. i dont think heat would be a problem with solar as the blocking filters cut it out and with bright images theres not so much noise, but direct sunlight to the camera body my cause something im not quite sure. charl.
  9. thanks rusty, funnyyou should say watercooled a friend of mine is building a watercooled camera for DS we was just talking about it last night i donated a pc cpu watercooling block. charl.
  10. ive never try one or own one but who knows may make a difference might clean the image and sharpen a bit by blocking . charl.
  11. thanks Rusty, as peter says it shows the thickness of the chromozone or chromosphere , i have a scientist friend in the states who i send copys to and he study it. charl.
  12. thanks David, im trying to get a look at the at the mo mate, but the cloud isnt playing fair yet. hope you have better luck. charl.
  13. thanks David, clear skys mate. charl.
  14. smash n grab today with the cloud so only short vids to play with. but theres some nice proms if you get the chance. kit starwave 102 f11, quark, asi120mc. hope you all have better skys than me. thanks for looking. charl. oncoming upper. off going upper. theres a flyaway bit if you look closely.
  15. you have seen the mag I shoot at, my fingers are MK1a 😀 good for F60+. but I do like the option of motorized so I could when needed put my kit outside for like eclipses and work from obsyroom safe from the light.
  16. thanks Rusty, yes thay was very faint, the contrast the quark gives helps mate. hope we get a new AR soon its very quiet. clear skys. charl.
  17. thanks Pete, yes agreed mate. clear skys. charl.
  18. Arhh im with you now, and it do look good and proper, I know there good for DS just wondered about solar. I do everything from indoors so im not judging just wondering. charl.
  19. great focuser modds but guys why do you need one ? is it because you can that I can understand 😀 our hands have been in production for eons and you could not get any better . charl.
  20. After trying most mounts in the skywatcher line ive settled on the middle ground of the HEQ5 which dos me fine it dos the job good I do have a EQ6 but I find its over kill for what I need so my son uses it. charl.
  21. slim pickings today, lovely clear sky here in miedrim. heres wishing for a AR guys. kit starwave 102 f11, quark, asi120mc. thanks for looking. clear skys all . charl. proms upper on coming limb.
  22. thanks Mark, I enjoy your comments mate. clear skys. charl.
  23. thanks Pete, clear here today but not a lot happening. charl.
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