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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. "heads up" , theres some clear heading in from the west today, too late for me to get some solar, but some of us could be lucky, might get a bit of DS later, tomorrow looks good weather wise too "fingers crossed". charl.

    1. xtreemchaos


      2pm, ive got blue bits, the first bit of blue ive seen in over a week....

    2. Knighty2112


      Sun and blue sky here too Charl. Hope the clear skies last for a wee while into the night too! Fingers crossed! :) 

    3. xtreemchaos


      yea me too, I'm desperate for some skytime, just been installing phd on me lappy so I can do some guiding tonight, that will be fun, its been a good year since I tried it last and it had me running about like ive got worms in my brain. goodluck for later.  charl.

  2. cracking shots Den, lovely detail mate, you didn't say what camera you used ?, thanks ,charl.
  3. great shot Craig, amazing what you can do with a smart phone nowa days, the cameras are getting really good. well done. charl.
  4. great shots Tyson, lovely close up detail mate, it sure is a interesting area of the moon. had to do something astro today these clouds are driving me nuts, I havnt had good clear patch for what seams like ages. thanks , charl.
  5. great shots John, I like using a dslr most of the time, but the extra mag you get from a ccd comes in handy, its the best 100 quid I ever spent. lovely detail mate, well done. charl.
  6. great shot Jules, that looks near the same faze as mine, good detail mate. thanks , charl.
  7. great shot Peter, lots of cracking detail there mate, the more I look the more I see. thanks, charl.
  8. cracking close up Paul, I can never get that close without it going soft and fuzzy. thanks, charl.
  9. great shot Chris, loads more detail in yours mate, that ed120 sure dos take a nice pic. thanks, charl.
  10. its cloudy and I need something to do. so show us your best shots or sketches of Copernicus and area. please include kit ect. seasoned or new, pro or casual to the hobby all is welcome. hope we get some clear soon. charl. heres 2 of mine, taken on 10-11-16 with AR127L and asi120mc ,HEQ5, for wide and added 2x barlow for close up . thanks for looking, charl. wide. closer.
  11. some cracking shots there Greatattractor, spot on detail in the Proms and coloured spot, I couldn't get the animations to load, just might be my internet its very slow today. thanks, clear skys, charl.
  12. Yippee!, I know own the Quark, today is a day of Days....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Knighty2112


       Nice pic Charl. Maybe one day I'll get a device to help me view the sun in HA! Need to start saving some pennies though! ;) 

    3. orion25


      Congratulations, Charl! Great image :icon_biggrin:

    4. xtreemchaos


      thanks Reggie, darn clouds are being spitefull and wont let me use it. charl.

  13. I do the same with my dslrs t adapter and lunt wedge to take full disc images with my fracs, works a treat. clear skys ,charl.
  14. ive got clear sky ! whats the odds it will last for tonight ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      thanks Dave, its still clear now, this must be the clear thay forcast for first thing thismorrning hafe a day late, all I got first thing was cloud fog and rain. hope you have clear.  charl.

    3. Knighty2112


      Thumbs up to that Charl. :) 

    4. xtreemchaos


      thanks Gus , ive just posted a new moon pic, just waiting for Jupiter to be declouded. hope you have some clear. charl

  15. oh that cloud, id pull my hair out if I had any.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      theres a new spot eh, that's good news, I did get 1 vid through a bit of thin stuff but it didn't turn out too good. its lacking sharp detail.

      ed80 Quark 50% reducer, asi 120mc.


    3. David Smith

      David Smith

      Better than nowt!

    4. xtreemchaos


      agreed mate,thanks.

  16. some crackers in all lights there Dave, well done mate. lets hope 2017 will treat us as good. thanks, charl.
  17. great sketches Shane, all looking very good, that monster heartshaped AR is the one that will stick in my memory the most from last year, hope we get something like it this year. thanks. charl.
  18. From the album: 2017

    my first HA image taken with ed80 and Quark chromo.
  19. From the album: 2017

    my first HA image taken with ed80 and Quark chrome. cropped and coloured.
  20. Happy St Davids Day !.

    from Charl in deepist darkness in south Wales.  :icon_biggrin:

    1. Knighty2112


      Cheers Charl. :) 

  21. amazing shots Kev, thay really do look spot on mate. fine skills you have. well done, charl.
  22. great transit Ian, wished id seen it myself but the cloud gods wouldn't let me. sorry about you having to post it twice. clear skys. charl.
  23. great shots Neil, sorry about the confusion about where to post. good to catch mercury, I missed it do to cloud, nice group in the top image. thanks, charl.
  24. thanks Helen, I only just realize I had two titles the same . charl.
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