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Everything posted by xtreemchaos

  1. oh that cloud, id pull my hair out if I had any.....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xtreemchaos


      theres a new spot eh, that's good news, I did get 1 vid through a bit of thin stuff but it didn't turn out too good. its lacking sharp detail.

      ed80 Quark 50% reducer, asi 120mc.


    3. David Smith

      David Smith

      Better than nowt!

    4. xtreemchaos


      agreed mate,thanks.

  2. some crackers in all lights there Dave, well done mate. lets hope 2017 will treat us as good. thanks, charl.
  3. great sketches Shane, all looking very good, that monster heartshaped AR is the one that will stick in my memory the most from last year, hope we get something like it this year. thanks. charl.
  4. From the album: 2017

    my first HA image taken with ed80 and Quark chromo.
  5. From the album: 2017

    my first HA image taken with ed80 and Quark chrome. cropped and coloured.
  6. Happy St Davids Day !.

    from Charl in deepist darkness in south Wales.  :icon_biggrin:

    1. Knighty2112


      Cheers Charl. :) 

  7. amazing shots Kev, thay really do look spot on mate. fine skills you have. well done, charl.
  8. great transit Ian, wished id seen it myself but the cloud gods wouldn't let me. sorry about you having to post it twice. clear skys. charl.
  9. great shots Neil, sorry about the confusion about where to post. good to catch mercury, I missed it do to cloud, nice group in the top image. thanks, charl.
  10. thanks Helen, I only just realize I had two titles the same . charl.
  11. some great shots there John, some lovely detail caught. charl.
  12. heres a few of mine to get us started, I consider myself still a learner, 2016 was my first full year imaging sol in whitelight, my biggist step forward was getting a lunt solar wedge. everything I have learnt ive learnt from you guys on here and without the SGL communty id still been thinking about it, thanks all, clear skys, thanks for looking. charl. 12-4-16, the monster with a heart. pre solar wedge, taken with badder film. 19-7-16 this is my fav of the year. taken with solar wedge and a close up of the AR. a close up nice spots but ive lost the dates. 9-10-16 taken with lunt solar wedge and AR127L.
  13. Please add your fav Solar Images from 2016. seasoned or new to the hobby all are welcome to build up Sols story for 2016. Drawings would be good too or anything what gives us a true picture of the year. thanks for your data. clear skys . charl.
  14. sick of this darn spitefull weather, look whats up there today.

    sol 21-2-17 soho.png

    pic taken by soho our friendly nabourhood solar space telescope.

    ive thick fog today, not a chance for me, hope you all have better.  charl.

    1. David Smith

      David Smith

      Looks like the best group in some months. Only chance of any break in the cloud here looks like Friday but I will be at work. Good hunting Charl

    2. xtreemchaos


      thanks Dave, yes mate its a very interesting group , weathers the same here today, I'm hunting but carnt see the pray, heres hoping for a break in the weather, charl.

  15. From the album: 2017

    taken with AR127L, ASI120MC. 9 panes.
  16. From the album: 2017

    20x 40sec, iso1600 +10x25 sec iso1600. scope c6-n, 1200d unmodded.
  17. xtreemchaos

    Orion Nebula

    well done mate, the great orion nebula is my most fav thing in the sky, next to sol of course. which program did you use to add the diff spikes ? thanks, charl.
  18.  Oh the Agorny, Oh the Pain, Oh the darn cloud, I'm missing it all folks. please cloud gods give us some clear, can you tell I'm sulking :icon_biggrin:. charl.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. spaceman_spiff


      I just had a terrible night too! Set up all my gear (deep sky and lunar scopes) got them properly cooled, polar aligned and focused. The night started well and I got a good set of terminator images. By the time I was guiding on a DSO with the other scope, clouds rolled in and didn't clear until I pack everything away at 2am. I was really looking forward to snapping M105 and the Leo triplet! Now I'm tired and want to start a less weather dependent hobby.

    3. xtreemchaos


      thanks Tzitzis, its not looking too bad thismorrning mate, theres some thin cloud but might have a few shots of sol when it rises.  clear skys, charl.

    4. xtreemchaos


      thanks spaceman, I got a few shots of the moon at 4.30 pm but nothing after, hopefully tonight will be better, don't want to have to watch big brother with the misses again, theres only so much a man can take.:icon_biggrin: clear skys charl.

  19. "there lie-ing" the soothsayers said there would be clear skys thismorrning, what a thing to do on Christmas eve eh.  I was so looking forward to imaging the blank sol today to hit my target of 215 disc this year. I'm gonna sulk for 10min now.

    Merry Christmas Everybody !...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Knighty2112


      Yep! Hoping the wedge works well, and looking forward to some nice clear days to test it out when I get it. :) 

    3. Tzitzis


      Merry Christmas Charl!

    4. xtreemchaos


      thanks mate, Merry Christmas Tzitzis.

  20. hi Dave, has your Quark got any nearer mate ?, weve got a bit of clear heading in from the west tonight "fingers crossed", should be 50/50 tomorrow for most of us. charl.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Davey-T


      Morning Charl,

      It's stuck in UK customs now, they've sent me two sheets of A4 questions none of which seem relevant to an item originally purchased in the UK and returned to the USA for repair under warranty.

      They seem determined to try and charge duty on something out of principal :grin:

      Merry Christmas

      Dave :icon_santa:

    3. xtreemchaos


      morning Dave, darn customs, duty has already been paid on it mate, when first imported. id just write on the form "sent for repair and a photocopy of the recet, or maybe try and get them on the phone ,thay must have a helpdesk. merry Christmas mate, I was hoping for some sun thismorrning but its 100% cloud at the moment.  charl.

    4. Davey-T


      Thanks Charl,

      You'd think in this day and age it could be done on the internet, "luckily" the Sun is pretty quiet and too low ATM so hopefully it will get here eventually.

      Then we just have to hope it's been fixed, I remember a couple of posts where peeps have sent their Quark to Daystar for repair and got them returned with the same fault.

      Grey murk here again, had a surprise bit if clear sky last night but I wasn't ready, hadn't recharged the power pack :grin:

      Good news, my brake calipers for the camper van came back today after a month away being refurbished so if we get some decent weather over christmas I can get them refitted and be ready for the next star party.


      Dave :icon_santa:

  21. according to the soothsayers theres some clear moving in tonight from the west,  I'm not getting my hopes up but for once it would be nice if thay get it right. if I can see stars at 7pm ill be a happy bunny :happy7:clear skys all and ive me fingers crossed. charl.

    1. Knighty2112


      Fingers crossed Charl. Been too much mist/haze around on the nights you could see some stars, so hoping for a nice clear night too! :) 

    2. xtreemchaos


      thanks Gus, its 5pm and its starting to clear here, its a bit hazy cos the sun came out at 2pm and started sucking water vapour back up, hopefully it will dissipate by 7 or 8ish, hope you get some clear, charl.

  22. ive had some fair images with a unmodded camera, I shot it widefield at iso 1600 40x45 sec exp, but mate the biggist factor is conditions, I shot it only when theres no moon with great seeing. goodluck and remember nothing is impossible. charl. heres my last go . ps I don't let the camera cool inbetween shots, with our weather ever second counts.
  23. wow are we up for some goodys tonight, just been looking at Mars with the big binos in daylight and its steady as a rock being holded in place with superglue :icon_biggrin: hope its a omen for later. goodluck and seeing.  charl.

    1. Knighty2112


      Tried nabbing Venus and Mars about 30 mins ago. Venus was blazing away whilst I took my dog for a walk, but hiding behind the clouds when I got the scope out alas. Hoping for clear skies later on at least. 

    2. xtreemchaos


      I think everywhere apart from scotlands going to be clear later Gus, ive both scopes cooling " 200p and Ar127l", heres hoping the seeings stays good for us. charl.

    3. Knighty2112


      Fingers crossed. My weather apps and FLO is telling me different times for any clear skies, so as usual the best thing to do is keep poking my head outside to check. 

  24. stunning clear skys here in south wales, hope it lasts, but its darn cold as well, winter rig working well, just been getting 2min subs unguided. "were cooking with gas". hope you all have some clear .  charl.

    1. Knighty2112


      Hoping for clear skies when I get back home from Thursday night and the weekend  Charl. Hope you get a nice long spell mate! :) 

    2. xtreemchaos


      thanks mate, I'm just getting a warm and I'm back out to see how far I can push my subs on the Pleiades. hope its clear for you on Thursday.  charl. 

  25. i have some 15x70 opticron Oregon very nice binos and Celestron 25x100, just got this week off my kids for Christmas, monster binos with amazing views " there not really binos more like 2 fracs straped together" ive had firstlight for 30min or so until the curse clouds came and what I saw blowed me mind, I would deff recommend. hope you all have clear skys , charl.
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