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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. @TakMan Google Translate OIII APPLICATIONS  filter absolutely unsuccessful due to wrong placement of the transmission band  an exceptionally high value of the effective refractive coefficient – approx. 2.19 – causes the filter is extremely low susceptible to "blue shift"  370 euros for a useless glass seems to be quite an exorbitant price
  2. Thanks Damian. I cant read the polish data, but can see the graphs. It would be nice to know if indeed my filter wasnt performing correctly.
  3. Love the rim of fine Ha strands around it all.
  4. Tony Not sure if it is the way I've set mine up but I've seen some flexure with my APM 105/650 and EFW/camera etc where stars are slightly elongated in one direction in 5 minute subs.
  5. What scope is it? Havent seen this myself in any images of my own.
  6. Part of a two panel mosaic, this is panel # one which has 2 hours 15 minutes in Ha via 300s subs through the APM 105/650 QHY268M / 7nm Baader filter (with some Oiii added from the Tak via the NBZ filter / 2600MC OSC - the Ha data from the 4" scope/mono totally blew away the Ha data from the OSC and the NBZ filter in the 7" Tak, with similar total exposure time) I'm still getting to grips with things, but the 4" refractor is just an incredible scope, and despite its small aperture it returns fine detail. Here is a quick process of the data, a decent amount of fine wispy detail to be seen on closer inspection. I am planning a full process of the data once I get the second panel finished. I have just managed 3 subs on it so far and hope to get it finished this autumn. I've posted the two panels below, just as a rough stack to give you an idea of the final FOV. C+C welcome Adam.
  7. I've had my new QHY 268M dew up, but also an older QHY9M CCD and an Atik 383L+ do the same thing. It humid in Ireland, and my humidity reader is 99% in my dome if I dont have my dehumidifier running.
  8. You can almost see the stellar winds blowing the nebula, incredible.
  9. Very nice Damian, nicely framed too, I have missed a lot of the interesting stuff, and the mosaic is going to be a while coming
  10. Lovely! A nice close up view with lots of structure and detail, sympathetically processed.
  11. I honestly think this is superb, and wouldnt change it. The bloated stars dont detract at all. Well done on a fantastic image.
  12. Lovely Maurice. I’m glad to see the filters are working well! I bought a set for my ε-180ED and the Oiii didn’t seem to work at all so decided to switch to OSC on the Tak. How are you finding the new star removal software? Any tips?
  13. Looks great Rolf. Thanks for sharing.
  14. I love this target, and you’ve captured it perfectly Mick. Adam.
  15. Nice start on this Dave, it’s hard to get the clear skies.
  16. Very nice David! I’m still impressed with mine.
  17. @StuartT how did the new flats look taken in the dark?
  18. Peter many thanks. I have edited the title and corrected myself. This was in fact taken with a 105mm refractor and not the epsilon 180. Apologies for the misleading post.
  19. That’s a cracker of the Tadpoles Rodd.
  20. This is a very quick working of 2.75 hours of 300s subs with the NBZ dual Ha-Oiii filter, presented as HOO, taken on the 7th September. I need to spend more time processing, but I have so much stuff unfinished (and unposted) on the PC, I think it's best just to post what I have done and try to learn from it. This is to be part of a larger 4 panel mosaic, I have it saved as a sequence of SGPro, so plan to get back to it when possible (probably next year). Thanks for looking Adam.
  21. That is very impressive indeed! Currently stacking my veil data too
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