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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. Cheers Richard. Currently just using APP for the stacking and alignment and the PS to process further. The learning curve of PI seems steeper than vertical, maybe some day...
  2. Cheers Alan, that was what I was thinking, but thanks for clarifying it. Once I get this delivered and fitted I'll update the thread.
  3. Here is my attempt at M45. Lum data from APM105/QHY268M 27000s RGB data from Epsilon180/ZWO2600MC 28920s Two panel mosaic with a total exposure 15.5 hours in 120s subs (~8 hours per panel) There is a bit of noise, and the OSC stars needs to be made smaller, but something to work on once I get another couple of nice nights on it. C+C welcome Adam.
  4. Cheers Alan. Firstly this is the motor https://www.distrelec.de/en/dc-motor-40-mm-with-gearbox-246-12-vdc-micro-motors-e192-12-246/p/15445564 Secondly, when you say add the snubber across the motor terminals what does this mean exactly? Sorry for being dumb, where does x and y go?
  5. Thanks for explaining it! The only other thing to ask, should I then use all the data to create a super lum as well? It took about 11 hours to full process the 250 OSC subs as a mosaic with advanced normalisation and LNC, can’t wait to see how long it will take all 600
  6. Need to look at this later, but in essence i process OSC first up to tab 2, save the channels then go again with all channels L R G B?
  7. You dont need any lessons in processing Goran, you always produce work to a high standard 👍
  8. I'm not familiar with Mr Astrobackyard, but I dont really watch many astro tutorials on YT. I have found that using Ha as a luminance layer leaves everything overwhelmingly salmon pink colour, but I'm not that experienced, so YMMV, so look forward to seeing your results. I tend to add Ha into the red channel and recombine into the RGB image.
  9. Daves technique is similar to that used by Olly. That is how I add it myself, saves washing out the data if the Lum is very strong.
  10. Hi Vlad You can definitely combine data in APP, but typically HaLRGB data will be composed of mono data in each of the respective filter and therefore it works ok. When I try to use a OSC (3 channels), it isnt compatable with mono (1 channel) and vice versa, and APP seems to require you to pick one of the other before calibrating. I'll stick to the simpler techniques but thanks for the offer Adam
  11. Thanks Alan, I will check this later on. When it was messing on Sunday, just before it blew the capacitor, it was clicking but not moving. I measured the output at the MOT+ MOT- pins on the board after it clicked, to check if there was power going to the motor. There was 12v at the board, but it was 0v at the motor end. I reseated the wires on the board and resoldered the wires to the motor end, but the copper wires both + and - had went sort of black and were hard to solder. I cleaned it as best as I could before soldering, but maybe I should replace these wires?
  12. Thanks for the replies. @david_taurus83 I should have added although I bought PI, I've never used it, I tried and gave up quite quickly. I just havent had time to sit down and follow the tutorials. Does PI register the LUM and OSC? @Laurin Dave what do you use to align the lum and OSC data?
  13. Anyone any tips or guides they follow to help with the processing of mono and OSC data? I'm shooting this data simultaneously on a dual rig. Currently I'm using APP, and it gets you to choose the algorithm, and whether to debayer the data or not. I cant therefore stack the colour data and the mono data at the same time as I get an error (data is either 1 channel or 3 channel). I also own PI, so could use it for stacking if better. Thanks.
  14. Also to add, dont think that using Ha as luminance is that good an idea.
  15. Alan, sorry again for more questions. I have also noticed something inconsistent (not a new problem as it's always existed from when I acquired the dome) - sometimes I'll press the rocker switch for the shutter to move and there will be a delay before it starts to move, of 1-5 seconds. However on some occasions it moves immediately on activating the switch. If I remotely activate the shutter using the PC via the bluetooth board, I can hear a click, and again there is a delay for a few seconds before the shutter starts to move.
  16. Hi Alan, thanks for this comprehensive answer. I'm pretty happy using a soldering iron, but when I see the diagram and read the instructions I find it very difficult to comprehend 😔 Would it be possible to show me visually when the stuff goes and connects to? Like if you draw on a photo of the board? If it isnt possible no problem!
  17. I am but might end up keeping the epsilon anyway. I am processing some M45 data at the minute, and it's pretty deep for just 4 hours each panel with the Epsilon, hard to look past the speed of the scope.
  18. Thanks Alan. I replaced the capacitor and it still wasnt working, so I checked the 7805 voltage regulator and it was letting 12v through again (did the same thing previously). I have changed it and it is sort of working again. It stops half way up, and I have to start it again with the rocker switch. It goes down ok so must be something to do with the load on the system when pulling shutter up. I'll lubricate the runners for the shutter to ease the pressure but would you have any idea what might be happening here? I suppose I'm grateful it's working again but dont like temperamental things.
  19. Another good on Richard, well worth the colossal effort.
  20. The shutter drive was being temperamental recently. I checked the wiring and the solder joints etc. I found it would go down but not up, then other times it would work ok, and sometimes with a delay of 2 seconds. Well tonight it went pop, and a small capacitor has exploded! Do you reckon there will be more harm done? I’ve ordered a replacement cap, just to try and resurrect it.
  21. Brilliant job David. I'm thinking of putting a pier in the front garden for a spare LXD-75 mount I now have, and leave it permanently attached, for some solar imaging, etc. This is a very neat and tidy solution, thanks for sharing your workings.
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