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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. SQUID_QHYCCD-Cameras-Capture_300sec_1x1_-10C_gain_56_268_033-2.fit Here it is
  2. I see it as flexibility for user, and allows developers just to focus on areas they are proficient in be it capture, guiding or whatever. Gone are the days of paying $500 for a copy of maxim, imaging software can now be downloaded for free (or a very low amount eg 18 euro for APT).
  3. Thanks Goran. 100% it was your experience of the NBX/NBZ that prompted me you but it. Yes it was the special ultra narrow high speed CMOS filters designed for Epsilon etc. I’ve returned them, unfortunately skies didn’t clear to test again. https://www.baader-planetarium.com/en/baader-3.5--4nm--f2-ultra-highspeed-filter-set-–-cmos-optimized-(h-alpha--o-iii--s-ii).html
  4. It looks like the OP is referring to using an imaging camera and a guiding camera, rather than two imaging cameras. @centroid Typically you just run one instance of the capture software, and in that run the main camera, and run the guiding via PHD, which in turn talks to the capture software. I have never used Maxim so cant help you there. I am not aware of any issue with using PHD separately? In fact in SGPro (one I use most), it shows the PHD guiding trace graph within it's window. If you want to run two imaging cameras simultaneously then that is different, but usually involves running two instances of the same software.
  5. @tomato Image 1 is the Oiii data stacked, from the Epsilon QHY268 mono, F2.8, 4nm bandpass Image 2 is the Oiii data stacked, from the APM 150/650 ZWO2600 colour, F4.85, wider bandpass. 100% the Epsilon should have a ton more data, but it doesnt.
  6. I was very disappointed, I'll see if I can upload it later for opinions, but I'm fairly certain (cant be 100% certain as I didnt open the wheel and check) that it was on Oiii, as I was imaging over 4 night, and the first night Ha worked ok. I've sent the filters back and will replace them with the normal narrow version.
  7. I think it was about 16 hours. I did have an additional 20 hours with my Epsilon in pure Oiii (4nm) with the mono camera but there wasn’t a hint of it. So I’m not sure whether it was imaging in Sii instead or something wrong with the filter.
  8. The Squid and Flying Bat, heavily downsided to disguise what can only be described as an agricultural attempt at processing. I used the NBZ filter in the APM 105/650 scope with a 0.75x reducer and ZWO 2600MC. I took a good few 300s subs at Gain 100 over 3 or 4 nights. I'll definitely come back to this when I brush up on my processing, and I've addressed some tilt issues since I took this data, so looking forward to a good season ahead 🤞 Adam.
  9. Did a few tests myself. Seems better than Starnet but also a lot handier to use. £45 seems reasonable enough if I’m going to use it on every image/part of image processing routine.
  10. No worries. I dont use ASIAir, but NINA is just another program that is used to capture data, it's not an editing software. I only asked because some capture programs help you to calculate the correct exposure for your flats. I used APT and SGPro, and both make flat taking easy.
  11. Brilliant start. I think this OSC has changed the way I see mono versus OSC. I'm lucky in that I have both the OSC and mono version of this camera, and the OSC just gets you that final image much more reliably. Even with a dual band filter, you can get decent NB data too.
  12. As Steve says above, flats not only remove these dust motes, but will make it so much easier to process your data. I dont think you will have much trouble learning to take them. You could use the sky with a white t shirt over the end of the scope, or even an iPad/tablet, or buy a cheap tracing panel, and just do some research into how to take flats in your capture program. I'm not sure what you are using, is it NINA?
  13. I can confirm this. I extended my wires to about 2m and the 9v battery was not sufficient to power the motor. 12v should do the trick.
  14. I had to use the ignore function, certainly helps 👍🏼😎
  15. I did both my cameras earlier and the ZWO was significantly better than the QHY before adjusting. It was clear tonight and a quick test shows good results, and finally I have decent enough stars at F2.8
  16. Very nice Ciarán. I’m sure it feels great to back into it again! The tilt looks to quite minor, but maybe you have done some corrective work on the stars in that corner?
  17. What a lovely image Carole, colour and framing is really nice. Adam.
  18. That is phenomenal Neil, 100% need to click and open the full size image, the detail is incredible.
  19. Wood was my second choice, but my printer arrived a day early so it’s currently running off its first print 👍🏼
  20. Thanks guys. I am in agreement with the above M2.5x5mm set screws M2x6mm button head @tomato there is a small lip so not sure if stray light will be an issue but I'm only going to be moving it fractions of a mm. If light does enter I'll added a collar perhaps around the camera?
  21. Hi Olly Going to 3D print a holder for the camera. I’ve a new printer coming tomorrow so could not do it last night.
  22. Would anyone suggest a way to check the thread side of these two holes?
  23. Just wasn’t as handy put together 😂
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