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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. NGC1499 from last night. It was just a setting up session to test out the dual rig and get the scopes aligned. The 3.5nm F3.5-F10 Ha fliter coped pretty well being so close to the Moon. I've also attached the data I took with the NBZ filter, Ha extracted. Significantly worse but I expected that, and the Oiii from the NBZ filter was non-existent. I can see a halo in Ha👎
  2. I recently bought a Hitec Astro Weather Deluxe, and I thought I could set it up to close the observatory shutter on detection of rain. Is this possible? I'm using POTH to control the dome via the Shelyak Drivers, and Sequence Generator Pro. At the minute I cant see how to do this. Many thanks Adam.
  3. Nicely done there! And lucky you got away with no damage from the rain 🤞
  4. I think this is the best advice. I have a finned version, made by a friend to my specifications. I can see how your first design failed as there was very little to adhere the concrete too. I have used 10mm pipe with 8mm flanges. I think you are over theorising it
  5. You will have to buy one too then to fulfil the prophecy 👍🏻
  6. It was when it was first identified as having a spiral structure but called a ‘nebula’. Charles Messier discovered it in the previous century.
  7. I managed to grab a few quick subs last night between the heavy showers and the clouds. I took a sub of IC1396 and noticed a sizeable enough halo around mu cephei.
  8. Hi Bryan I dont think there is anything inherently different. Shorter time of exposure and dithering every other or every 5th frame for example, but I dont recall anything really that would be hard to amend. The pixels are smaller than the 8300 sensor, but I didnt change my dithering settings.
  9. Brian A very rough comparison. My images are 4 hours CMOS data, LUM and OSC respectively, straight out of APP, so no postprocess eg NR. Lum with 105mm and OSC with 180mm scope.
  10. I was always aiming for at least 8 hours when I had my 383L+. I really haven't had anywhere near enough time to evaluate my new versus old camera, with weather etc being crap and imaging different targets, but my very rough assessment is that 4 hours with the IMX571 yields me a decent image. So roughly half the imaging time 🤷‍♂️
  11. Unfortunately not, I havent actually looked through any of my imaging scopes. I'm using a colour camera on one and mono on the other.
  12. David, I was literally just thinking that a few minutes ago! Didn’t occur to me until I posted the photo above. On a separate note, I have your OAG installed - perfect. Unfortunately the 17-23mm variable spacer I bought is 1mm to long at the shortest span.
  13. Haven’t got any further than photo below. I bought a new scope so swapping over bits and running new wiring, setting up spacing with the FR, etc. Possibly looking clear Sunday so aiming to get a run then with the new filters, I’ll post images here 👍🏻
  14. I can’t believe the detail. One of best images I’ve seen regardless of subject. Different weather here across the Atlantic. Haven’t had a decent clear spell for some time
  15. Same here. Also as I was advised recently, better to have the data on the same drive as APP is installed, as it runs a lot faster.
  16. @Xigakindly delivered this to me on behalf of another member a couple of hours ago. Minor modification of two corners of the box was required to get it to fit into the boot. Can’t wait to get this set up now 😋
  17. Did you buy an alternative of the OSC from QHY?
  18. Hi Lee FLO and Baader both said that the slow ones won’t work on the fast scope. I have since swapped over the mono and OSC cameras. The QHY camera has a different back focus to the 17.5mm of the ZWO so I can’t even just screw off and swop the cameras easily. So I won’t be able to try out the slower filters on the fast scope. I too have used ‘normal’ 7nm narrowband filters on the Tak and they worked great so I suspect these would work too. I agree CMOS optimised is just marketing blurb. I’ve lost respect for Baader to be honest, too much marketing hype that I bought into.
  19. I dont think anyone would genuinely argue that as a single reason to switch but It’s just another side benefit of CMOS. For the first time I can do decent lunar imaging with my deep sky setup without swapping anything overdue to the short download times - not possible with the CCD it replaced.
  20. That’s a pretty nice FOV for this one! Can’t believe it’s another year again and this has come back round.
  21. What to see in the sky - OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory It's the 78th place in the world to get dark sky accreditation from the IDA. Same part of the sky below, the new lights casts shadows on the stones.
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