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Everything posted by tooth_dr

  1. How are you finding the haloes @cfinn? I appreciate there aren’t any bright stars in this image. I’ve the same filters and have pretty bad haloes in Oiii but also visible in Ha
  2. Very Jammy! I always end up with a lot of iterations saved. I never thought about it but good point about the settings.
  3. Yes Vlad, absolutely agree, not my arguement, I didn’t make that comparison. I was only trying to clarify David’s point above.
  4. I misread the post too. Used — a KAF8300 mono CCD and filter wheel and filters is half the price of a new 2600MC
  5. Not sure on that David! My OSC and mono cameras have identical 51MB file sizes and the mono camera is more expensive than the OSC version. Edit - you are suggesting used CCD cameras!
  6. That’s a well setup system Richard, stars are fantastic edge to edge. I think APP does a great job and gets 90% there in this case. I’d be happy with that as a final image (maybe with a bit more data!)
  7. I think for astrophotography the benefits are more clear cut. The improvements can be quantified and verified. That’s what drives me to seek out better glass, more elements, etc.
  8. Exactly what Richard says, a fabulous image.
  9. To produce a pretty picture, either will be fine. My experience - mono data with narrowband filters is just better than OSC and dual band filters, especially in any sort of bright moonlight.
  10. This is something I hadn’t experienced before but is now a problem. I fitted an OAG onto my scope, to be used in combination with a 2600MC and filter drawer. I had an IDAS NBZ filter in the drawer, main camera in focus and adjusted the OAG into focus. A few days later I removed the NBZ filter and inserted a UV/IR filter into the drawer to keep it parafocal. However the OAG was well out of focus. I since discovered the Astronomic UV/IR filter is only 1mm thick and the IDAS filter is 2.5mm thick. Given that the 2600MC has an inbuilt UV/IR cut filter should I just buy a clear filter instead of another UV/IR filter? Are there other brands that are 2.5mm thick glass or is it just IDAS. I’m a Bortle 4 but my south is over a large town 5 miles away so maybe a LPF is a better choice? Please help me decide 👍🏼
  11. Baader are looking into it now Damian, just waiting to hear back. I’ve switched to two APMs and parked the Epsilon for the time being, so these are just your normal speed ultra narrow filters. I just bought a chroma 3nm Oiii on the recommendation of another APM user who is halo-free
  12. Beautiful Tristan, I'm looking forward to spending some time on Orion this year if the weather ever improves. Any plan for the HH - RGB?
  13. I couldnt find it either, and only can see the £30 version.
  14. Are the haloes caused by other unwanted wavelengths not sufficiently suppressed? Is this the difference with the likes of Chroma or Astrodon?
  15. Where do I go from here Damian 😕 Is it my optics? Just emailed Baader
  16. I think the Baader cmos filters are actually cheaper than a few weeks ago.
  17. Here is the Oiii filter - California nebula and M45 (only clear patch of sky)
  18. That is really very good value indeed.
  19. @martin_h Many thanks again for this. I spent a couple of hours out in the dome this evening. Using your guide I was able to get the shutter to close when UNSAFE was detected, followed by the mount and dome both parking. When conditions became SAFE (I initiated this myself by changing the detection level to cycle between SAFE and UNSAFE conditions in the cloud/rain sensor) after 5 minutes (chosen in SGPro) it opened the shutter, unparked the mount and slew to the target. Unfortunately the dome didn’t move. I checked in the POTH dialogue box - the ‘slave’ button remained unchecked. I know that when you park the mount it automatically unchecks this box - SGPro doesn’t seem to be turning it on again. I was ran out of time to continue on trying things out but tomorrow I was going to try leaving the ‘park observatory with mount’ box unchecked - my thinking is that the dome will just follow the mount to the mount park position and ‘track’ it (albeit the dome will remain stationary) so when the mount moves again the dome is ready to go. Anyway I really appreciate the help and wound have been stuck without it. Adam.
  20. great image btw 👍🏼👍🏼 same filaments
  21. I noticed the same filamentary structure in an image I took and noted it looked pretty remarkable but didn’t find out any more about it.
  22. Thank you Martin for taking time to explain this. I’ll give it a test run later.
  23. Cheers Martin My dome and mount both work off POTH so are always in sync. I cannot work out how to set up the actions like ‘close dome’ and how to recover a sequence. It’s probably me just being stupid.
  24. Thanks for the reply Mike. I've attached a screen shot from SGP, it does have the observing conditions interface under 'environment'. It lists the HitecAstro Weather Deluxe separately under 'safety'.
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