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Everything posted by bottletopburly

  1. Try running 3.88.2 APT BETA , run your issues past @Yoddha on Apt forum , there is a zwo sdk update in 3.88.2
  2. Platesolve from there , sync coordinates, pick your target and slew .
  3. Do you have pictures of finished product bill .
  4. Don’t platesolve from home position that’s how I used to do it and can affect accuracy,skew RA until your counterweight bar is horizontal then slew DEC until your ota is perpendicular to your mount polar axis , this will make your Goto more accurate I can testify to that , now when I platesolve and use Goto++ in Apt it takes far less steps to centre target same thing for Nina your accuracy will be better. Regards Dave
  5. Sounds good to me , if darks are within a few degrees of lights temperature are you really going to notice, As long as temperature doesn’t fluctuate vastly then cooling your way should give you a better result than an uncooled dslr I’m sure the results will be satisfactory for 99% of people , look forward to seeing your results .
  6. Yes pinched optics , I sealed my mirror to holder and took off clips and aperture mask totally sorted problem 👍
  7. @FLO stock deepskydad products too https://www.firstlightoptics.com/flat-field-generators/deep-sky-dad-wo-redcat-51-flap-panel.html
  8. Reprocess using calibration frames of M27 61x180 sec ,binned 2x2 Dithered ,Flats,bias and Darks , Stacked in Astap,processed in Startools 1.8.506 , sw200pds ,Zwo533MC .
  9. Using my 200pds with a zwo533mc is it better to bin 2x2 at 1.55 pix or 1x1 at 0.78 px ,I have Been binning 2x2 in the he first few times I’ve used the camera . Dave
  10. replaying with data using Startools1.8.506
  11. New filter and bag for zwo533mc so I don’t need to break down the nosepiece and cc .
  12. i just asked astro bin users what offsets they used for the specific camera used .
  13. Startools 1.8.506 https://www.startools.org/downloads is now a public release so thanks to @jager945 who i Know has been putting in a massive amount of work on 1.8 , the two key improvements are the NBaccent module allowing you to add narrow band data to your image and a new deconvoloution module which is amazing which im sure @alacant confirm ,im sure ivo will welcome any questions regards 1.8 . Regards Dave
  14. Ah what the heck L-Extreme ordered from @FLO amazing how birthday money stretches 😂🤣😂
  15. Not for light pollution I have an idas D2 for that just looking to maybe pull some Ha signal in or maybe some o111
  16. I’m pondering a filter now I don’t know wether to go for a baader 6.5 nm or zwo 7nm Ha filter or an Astronomik Uhc filter this to be used with a zwo533mc , now the uhc is 2 bands so capturing two bands over one I’m kinda swaying to the uhc thoughts anyone . Dave @alacant
  17. bottletopburly


  18. Second light with zwo533mc approx 3.5 hrs dithered , forgot to take flats Doh 😖, darks applied , stacked in Astap processing in Startools 1.8 will amend image to jpg later hadn’t raised it was tiff file .
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