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Status Updates posted by Qualia

  1. 1st all nighter of the season. Bit of a mix bag; clear skies but I've never witnessed so much humidity. The Tal, Eyepieces, books, 10" shroud sopping.

  2. 1st proper day of the year :-) 37ºC, so went to the beach. Took the sun scope and had a wee session. Very pleasant.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      I guess next week will be hot and muggy here, Shaun but today, the clouds cleared. I have to do the weeks shopping but when I get back I'll post up a few sketches.

    3. Pig


      Sounds excellent Rob, I was in North Italy last week and the weather was lovely...not over warm but some lovely clear days.

    4. JB80


      A couple more weeks of this and the pool will be warm enough for a swim. :) Good to hear you are enjoying the nice weather Rob.

  3. 3 nights on the trot. Transparency, seeing 5/5. Another hot, cloudless day today; blue skies and a gorgeous burning Sun. Next few days will be Martian time, so hopefully will have something to report this week. Sorry for lack of activity but will make ammends. Hope everyone is well and you all enjoyed SGL9.

    1. jetstream


      Qualia,we are looking forward to your reports and maybe some more great sketches!

    2. Marki


      Wot he said :)

  4. 4:30am! I've got work in the morning but just couldn't resist Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the Moon! Great night and nothing strong coffee cannot fix :-)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ant


      I am usually asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow. I fave up coffee once and fell asleep at my desk - mid sentence (twice lol )

    3. Ant


      fave = gave

    4. scarp15


      Good stuff, occasionally going sleep deprived to that extent has to be done. Just once in a while is fine, yet personally it would take me days (and nights) to recover from that episode.

  5. 72 hours of continuous rain and counting. Never seen anything like it! Only last week we were in the high sun-shining 20ºc's. Hopefully clear up in a few days but certainly winter has started with avengence.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Marki


      I dunno - Rob can always use it as a Snorkel if the rain keeps on pouring :-)

    3. 8kids


      You should live in Wales, it's like that.....every 72 hours:-)

    4. Qualia


      Thanks for the funny replies. It's all gone a bit mad :-) Rain's stopped and now winds blowing around at 72km/h!

  6. Active sun woth seeing today, if you get a chance :-)

    1. toilandtrouble123


      Ordering some Baader solar filter sheets in a fortnight, with the other half promising to make me a filter for my refractor and DSLR's :) Never tried solar obs before

    2. Pig


      You are not kidding Rob, its a cracker for both Ha and white light.

    3. jabeoo1


      Damn I have been busy DIY today, missed the whole show. Looks good for the week though so hopefully tomorrow :)

  7. After a week of storms at last not a cloud in sight, a brisk -2 C, slight wind...perfect night? No, the seeing was awful. Packed up and came home :-(

    1. crashtestdummy


      Ditto fella,rubbish transparency and the moon was a pain.

    2. Marki


      Shame Qualia - would have thought the cold desert skies were just ideal...?

    3. Qualia


      Yeah, it is wierd, but even the forecast page said seeing would be bad and I couldn't work out why this would be so. I think it may have had something to do with the winds. Anyway, tonight was a lot better, but soooo cold. Desert-arid lands really do get chilly. Anyway, a fun, if short evening was had around Lyra.

  8. Amazing dark site session tonight. Rather amusingly, however, just about everything either frooze or dewed over; my glasses, the finder, scope's shroud, eyepieces and cases, my shoes, everything :-)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Qualia


      Anyway, the sights last night were phenomenal. The only shame being my boots failed to keep my feet warm after a couple of hours and that with the finder all frozen up and out of action I couldn't easily star-hop.

    3. Jason71


      Sounds a good time you had Qualia. I'm still waiting on a good clear night here to give my new telescope a try. Funny because we had a few good clear nights before I got the telescope lol.

    4. nightfisher


      sounds like you had a great night, i cant remember last time i had a good session

  9. Another bright blue day. Hit over 40º yesterday.

    1. Marki


      So jealous! Does it cool down much at night, or do you find the seeing is affected by heat radiating off at night?

  10. Are White Dwarfs gigantic diamonds?

    1. foundaplanet


      No, their snow whites offspring.. ;(

    2. Qualia


      Hehehehe. It was meant to be a serious question... :-)

    3. foundaplanet


      Isn't it something to do with the core crystalising carbon over time..

  11. Astronomy and stargazing really is a very satisfying and beautiful passtime.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rowan46


      Then why am i sitting indoors every night screaming at the sky to clear

    3. AlexB67


      Rpwan, just give your secondary a few jolts, remove the spider, collimate and start again, keeps you sane. Some have even resorted to putting wall paper on their dob mounts :D

    4. cotterless45


      It's the whole Universe !

  12. At last a clear and sharp night :-)

    1. Naemeth


      Good Stuff :), did you get some observing done with your 'Moonshane' Dob?

    2. foundaplanet


      Goodo, at last eh. It is blowing a gale here and the rain is at about 40' to the ground, feels like November.

  13. At last summer is arriving. Cloudless, perfect skies night and day :-)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. foundaplanet


      It's tradition and has been passed down though the ages.

    3. emadmoussa


      I suggest we break this silly cycle :D

    4. foundaplanet


      :D I think it will be easier to find the answer for light speed travel..

  14. At last the delicious pattering of heavy rain. No such thing as bad weather, just different kinds of good.

    1. laser_jock99


      I preffer to think of it as 'image processing weather'.

    2. Marki


      Reading and posting on SGL all night weather fo rme :)

    3. rory


      well the uk has had alot of good kind of weather this year then !

  15. AZ4's just arrived. No clouds, yet....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Qualia


      It looks posh and it looks like is going to make life easier sketching and carrying gear.

    3. Marki


      Lovely! Really look forward to seeing you next sketches then :)

    4. nightfisher


      Very good mounts i have one, superb for visual, just take a little time getting the tube balanced

  16. Back for a day and then off again. Hope to catch up a little.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marki


      LOL - welcome back, Qualia

    3. Marki


      LOL - welcome back, Qualia

    4. Qualia


      Thanks, mark. Good to be back and hopefully this week will be able to get some viewing down although I won't be able to post.

  17. Back now. Look forward to posting and reading soon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. nightfisher


      good to see you are back Qualia

    3. Mike73


      Welcome back Roberto :)

    4. Qualia


      Thank you. Gracias a todos :-)

  18. Back on line! It is late now, so I will write more tomorrow. It's good to be back :-)

  19. Beautiful scene to see a gibbous pink moon framed by Jupiter, Alnath and Aldebara.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Qualia


      Wow! 5am - I hope you have time for a little siesta later.

    3. nightfisher


      of course, just had an hour on the couch

    4. Qualia


      Just had one myself, and I woke up 11am! Good for the complexion, I'm told :-)

  20. Been lucky this month. 22 days of solar sketching. However, same can't be said for the evenings. Too much cloud recently.

  21. Best experience of Saturn this year. Sharp and complex at 300x :-) Sun in both WL & H-a is also rather handsome this morning. Going to the beach today but will try to make a little report with the drawings later. Happy Saturday everyone :-)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. faulksy


      nice one rob, had a good night on saturn thursday using my 5mm pentax lovely strong views, but there was a slight double , found out i was looking through the mesh on the kids trampoline lol

    3. Qualia


      Thank you for your kind comments :-) Luke, I hope you'll be able to salvage something from the images. Faulsky, two Saturns can't be a bad thing :-) Gerry, for once I think I was able to get a hint of the seeing you get in Canada :-) Shaun, thank you :-)

    4. Luke


      Thanks, Rob, images should be fine, I took some new ones to replace the blurry ones! It meant I had to play dodge the clouds for a bit, but lucky escape :) No time for such schoolboy errors during the week!

  22. Best night of seeing since Spring time. May not sound much to you guys, but I could see down to mag 4.5 - 5 - in the city - with ease.

  23. Blazing hot day today. Eclipse is in progress. Really quite pretty :-)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. emadmoussa


      I think an hour from now.

    3. JB80


      Cheers Qualia, I will enjoy.

      Shows over here now.

    4. Marki


      Lovely! Did you get a chance to do any sketching?

  24. Blazing hot down here but an extremely inactive sun up there

  25. Checking out the November Solar eclipse and the info says it'll be starting around this part of the world at about 12 o'clock but is that AM or PM?...

    1. foundaplanet


      If it's around twelve am you will have the first ever partial solar eclipse in the dark...;)

    2. Delboy_Hog


      Qualia, off topic I know, but couldn't seem to get a message to you - just wanted to thank you personally for your advice on the last thread I opened! It was much appreciated! :-)

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